Poems - 51.

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Chapter 51

The small crack in Adria's blinds allowed her to see the snow falling heavily outside, Alina slept next to her peacefully, and Adria wondered how seeing it was now Christmas day. Her room was still dark, except for the street light that illuminated her room with a tainted orange and the small clock read five thirty in the morning.

Her thoughts where clouded of her time with Sirius last year, when she woke him up this early whilst he protested, which allowed a small smile to fall upon her lips as she remembered their time together. She would be leaving her family the day after tomorrow, spending the rest of her holiday at the castle, having fun at the ball that would be happening soon and spending new years with her friends instead of her family.

Although, her friends were like her second family.

Alina stirred beside her, and for the third time during the night the younger one of the two sisters awoken in a state of confusion, Adria giggled softly, her hands running over the eleven year olds hair, "do you want to get up?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper as she turned to Alina who was blinking away her sleepy state.

"Wha- why?" Alina mumbled, her head falling back onto the comfortable pillow and her arm pulling at the soft quilt that covered the two of them.

"Because its Christmas day, Allie!" Adria laughed, sitting up in her bed and searching for her slippers which she pulled onto her feet, "come on, don't you want presents?"

"Oh yes," Alina nodded, forcefully pulling herself up, "I'm really tired," she announced, a yawn escaping her lips as she rubbed her eyes, Alina giggled, clasping her hand over her mouth as she pushed herself off of her bed.

"Come on Al, we can sleep after presents!" Adria exclaimed, her excitement bubbling in the pit of her stomach as she pulled on Alina's hand to get her out of bed.

She swung open her door, pushing herself into Alfie's room who was sleeping soundly and threw herself on top of him, giggling wildly whilst he jumped in confusion, "Wha- Adria!" he groaned, rubbing his eyes as she fell onto the other side of the bed.

"Sorry!" she squeaked, shaking him furiously when he tried to sleep again, "come on Alfie, it's Christmas!"

"I'm aware," he grumbled, rolling his eyes as he pushed the quilt off of him, hitting Adria in the process who stumbled out of his room in a hurry, leaving Alina to pull him along.

"Benjamin get up!" Adria squealed, throwing herself onto his bed and shaking him when she entered his room, "come on Benny!" she groaned, watching as his eyes fluttered open and a pillow was whacked across her head.

"I'll kill you," he huffed, sitting up as she jumped off of her bed, allowing Alina to grab his hand as well as Alfie's whilst she pushed open the door to her parent's room.

"We're up!" Douglas announced a second before Adria jumped on the, she giggled loudly as she pulled on her parent's hands who were still in the process of waking up, and forcefully guided them towards the stairs with her siblings in tow.

"I may be wrong, but I think she's excited," Judy muttered to Douglas who laughed softly, nodding in agreement as he kissed his wife's forehead.

"You'd think as she got older, she'd get less excited," he mumbled into her hair, almost missing a step as he took Judy's hand, "but I think it's the opposite."

"Yes, well you're the one who always got her hyped up," Judy smirked, placing a soft kiss on her husband's lips before hurrying after Adria who still pulled on her arm.

"Oh wow, look at all these presents, where did they come from?!" Judy gasped, her eyes wide as she joked. Adria rolled her eyes, throwing herself onto the floor and crossing her legs in a basket.

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