Chapter 29: They finally meet

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When Steve and Danny brought Milly home to meet Grace for the first time, Steve froze.

"Baby,what's wrong?" Danny whispered squeezing his hand.

"I have a daughter, what if I don't make a good dad?"

"But your Gracie's dad, You can do it I know you can." Danny replied.

" Your Gracie's dad, I just help you since we got married, Don't get me wrong I love the kid but I don't know how to be a dad I mean when my mum died my dad sent me and Mary away. What if I'm like that?" Steve whispered his eyes filling with tears.

" Look, calm down, you will make an amazing dad you don't have to worry. Everyone will tell you that. Please calm down and get out the car" Danny said continuing to hold his lover's hand squeezing it tight as a sign of comfort.

" I love you Danno." Steve said placing a kiss on the tip of his nose.

When they walked into the house it was empty. Where was Grace and the twin's. Danny immediately grabbed his phone calling her.

"Hey Danno, did you find dad?" Grace asked hopeful.

"Hey baby, I did of course I did. Where are you and my grandkids?" He asked not being able to wait any longer.

"We went for a walk along the beach I figured some fresh air would do us good. Instead of being stuck in the house"  Grace replied slightly confused.

"Baby can you just come home sweetie we have something to tell you" Danny said.

"Yes Danno, We'll be a minute." Grace said worry present in her voice.

Danny and Steve sat down on the couch, Danny had his arm around his husbands waist and Steve's beautiful daughter was on Steve's lap arms around his neck. That's when Grace walked in.

"Danno is everything okay?, you said you had to tell me something." Grace asked concerned

"Yes everything's okay please sit down." Steve said.

"Grace you remember Cath right?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, I do" Grace said confused.

"Well before we split, I got her pregnant and Milly here is the outcome." Steve said will a little smirk.

"Why did you wait 9 years to tell me?" Grace said anger obvious in her voice.

"Baby you don't understand." Steve started.

"What's there not to understand you have a 9 year old daughter and you didn't tell me I had a sister." Grace interrupted.

"I only just found out I had a daughter an hour ago." Steve yelled back with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"I'm sorry Dad, please forgive me" Grace pleaded in tears.

"Danno entertain Milly while I talk to Garce" Steve said.

"Grace baby can I see you in the kitchen please?" Steve asked hopeful.

"Of course." Grace said.

They went into the kitchen and they sat down.

" Grace, I need you to undertand just because you have a sister now doesn't mean I don't still love you, I always will love you." Steve said pleadingly.

"I know Dad I love you too." Grace said reassuringly.

"Can I get a hug please?" Steve asked.

"Of course Dad." Grace said walking around the table wrapping her arms around her step father.

McDanno's story (editing slowly) #wattprideWhere stories live. Discover now