chapter 24: telling her family

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Grace and Kono made their way into the house, Grace sat down calling for Steve and Danny to come to the living room. When they walked in she began to speak immediately wanting this to be over.

"I have to tell you something please don't be angry? You might want to sit down for this?" Grace said more of a question than a statement.

"Grace baby talk to me" Steve said sitting down.

" I'm pregnant" Grace blurted out without hesitation to get it over with.

"YOUR WHAT?" Danny yelled.

Grace burst into tears.

"Danno it wasn't my fault." Grace pleaded.

"Danno when Gracie's friends came to the party they brought alcohol and drugs. Grace tried to stop them. She went to the bethroom and when she came back she drank her juice and she collapsed almost immediately." Steve explained.

"How the hell would you know Steven you were with me the whole night?" Danny asked confused.

"I know because Grace woke up at 4am sick so I took her to the hospital they ran some tests and there were drugs in her blood stream. She then told me the whole story but made me promise not to tell you because she didn't want you to worry about her." Steve answered.

"And Alex?" Danny asked.

"Wasn't who he said he was" Grace whispered through her tears.

"We are going to the doctors now" Danny demanded.

"Why?" Grace asked

"Because your pregnant Grace and I want to make sure there's nothing wrong with our daughter or grandchild" Danny said before the realisation sank in.

"Holy- I'm going to be a grandpa." He said.

"Danny you'll make a great one, I just know it" Kono said.

Steve wrapped his arms around Danny and their beautiful daughter in excitement.

"Grace you'll make a great mum and Danno you'll make a fab grandpa" Steve stated.

" So will you" Was all Danny could manage.

An hour later:

They were at the doctor's. 

"The babies are healthy and so is miss Williams." The doctor said happily.

"Wait hold up babies?" Grace said startled.

" Yes you are having twins congratulations" The doctor said with a massive smile.

When Danny heard this he nearly fainted just as well Steve was there to hold him steady. Steve grabbed Danny's hand as a sign of comfort in this rather nerve racking time.

"They are currently one month and should be born in the next 7 to 8 months and be at a perfectly healthy size." The doctor said still smiling.

"When is the due date?." Grace asked politely still in shock.

"They should be here around December the 12th so before Christmas." The doctor said.

And with that they left.

" Grace since we have a 4 bedroom the twins can share until their a bit older but you can choose all of the decorations and things you like." Steve said with excitement in his voice.

" Really?" Grace said voice full of excitement now it felt real.

" Absolutely anything for our daughter and grandchildren." Danny said nervously.

They arrived back home. Danny and Steve sat in the living room while Grace went upstairs to tidy out the room for the babies.

" Grace we'll be up in a minute okay." Steve said.

He then turned round putting his arms around Danny placing his head on Danny's shoulder.

"Danno?" Steve said in a questioning manner.

"Yeah babe?" Danny said in a near whisper.

" Would you like to tell me what's wrong, You've been so quiet since we found out it's twins."

" What if I don't make a good grandpa?" Danny said eye's filling with tears.

Steve turned Danny round by the shoulder's to face him.

"Danno, listen to me okay, you will make the best grandpa I mean you basically raised Grace on your own." Steve said comfortingly.

"You helped me raise Grace, but Grace is going to be a single mum with twins. What if I can't do enough to help her raise them." Danny said tears running down his cheeks.

Steve took him over to the couch, he grabbed Danny on to his lap wiping away his tears. He then wrapped his arms around his waist comforting him. Grace was standing at the top of the stairs watching as she was going to get a drink.

"Baby listen to me, you need to stop worrying. You'll make a great grandpa, like you do husband and father. We are going away for the weekend and Kono will watch Grace. I love you, you know." Steve said wrapping his arms tighter around his waist placing a kiss on his forehead.

" Danno, promise me you'll stop worrying about being the perfect grandpa." Grace said sitting next to them.

Danny sat up making eye contact with his family.

"I promise from here on in I will stop worrying."

"Ohhh and I will happily go and stay with Kono." Grace added.

That's when there was a knock on the door. Steve got up to answer it. It was Alex.

"what are you doing here, You've got a cheek to turn up here." Steve said anger showing in his voice and facial expressions.

"I'm sorry, You have to understand..." he didn't get a chance to finish before Steve interrupted.

" I'd like you to explain to me why my daughter got drugged and then you got her pregnant when she was unconscientious from drugs." Steve near shouted.

Danny called the police he didn't want this girl drugger who gets them pregnant wandering the streets.

sirens sirens sirens.

He got taken to the police station and jailed for 18 years.

McDanno's story (editing slowly) #wattprideNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ