chapter 12: will they make it

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The caravan had pulled over to a halt.

Wo Fat came round the corner Steve could feel Danny shiver as they wrapped their arms around each other even more tight, than they were before.

"I never imagined you would get together." Wo Fat smirked.

He said as he grabbed Steve away from Danny's grip and off the bed punching him so hard he was on the floor knocked out.

Danny screamed and burst into tears whispering

" Steve noooo, Don't you hurt him"

"We are nearly at the final destination." Wo Fat laughed.

He evily laughed walking away back to the drivers seat kicking steve on the side just as he was coming to once more.

Danny didn't realise until he heard Steve yelp. He ran to guard Steve but before he could he was on the floor beside Steve. Steve gripped his side waiting for Wo Fat to be on the move again before he said anything to Danny.

"Some start to our marriage isn't it?" Steve laughed.

Even in the face of possible death Steve's humour was still shining through.

Steve moved closer to Danny wrapping his arms around him.

"Danny!" Steve said worriedly.

"Yes Steven I'm okay." Danny reassured.

"How could you possibly know I was going to ask that?" Steve asked confused.

"Because babe, I know you and that's the first thing you say after something like this, plus we've known each other for 5 years, dating a year and married two days." Danny answered.

"I'm so sorry Danno!" Steve said pulling Danny closer.

"What for?" Danny asked confused.

"This is all my fault." Steve whispered.

"How could you possibly blame yourself for this?" Danny asked even more confused than before.

"Because Wo Fat has been my enemy from the start and then we became best friends and he became your enemy, if we hadn't met you'd be sat at home playing with Gracie not lying on the floor of this caravan in pain with tears rolling down your cheeks." Steve said with a lump building in his throat.

Steve said this as he wiped the tears from both of them away comforting Danny in the best way he could even though both of them were hurting pretty bad.

"Steve I'm lying here with you and yes I may be in pain but I'm wrapped in the arms of the one I love and as cheesy as that sounds I mean it." Danny reassured.

Then the caravan stopped once more but there was silence all around no traffic nearby where were they?

"Babe please stay quiet I don't want you to get hurt." Steve pleaded.

"Your not allowed to get hurt either I'll text chin." Danny smiled.

message to Chin

"We have stopped now we are in the middle of no where. Where are you?"

From Danny

Kono and Chin were driving to where the van tracker said they were when they heard ring.

Kono answered the text.

" We are on our way stay quiet and don't argue with Wo Fat do what he says we'll be there in the next 20 mins".

Danny received the text, he didn't have time to answer the text before the phone was grabbed from his hand.

He was dragged away from the van and into a barn, where he was tied up hanging from the ceiling.

Steve was later dragged in however he was tied to the wall lying on the ground.

Danny pov

I can feel my arms draining of the blood within them, no feeling left I could feel the pins and needles in my hands and lower arms just below the elbow.

I can see Steve shaking and as worried as I was, I knew Chin and Kono would be here soon.

Next thing I knew the door swung open and I heard a loud bang.

I woke up with a start as a sharp pain shot up my left leg. I touched my leg where it was in pain and I felt something wet I tried to sit up realising I was no longer hanging from the ceiling, I was lying on the floor with a bullet lodged in my leg. I then remembered the bang I heard it must have been the gunshot but I'm not quite sure because that noise is the last thing I remember.

I turned round to the sound of heavy breathing that's when I remembered what happened with Wo Fat. I moved closer to Steve to see if he was okay.

"Steve are you awake?" I asked hopeful.

"Yes, and I'm okay well as okay as I will be for now I guess." Steve replied.

"I hear something" I whispered.

It was the sound of a gun letting go of it's bullets. That's when the door burst open and two familiar figures ran in with a look of fear shining through them.

McDanno's story (editing slowly) #wattprideWhere stories live. Discover now