chapter 10: your carriage awaits you Danno!

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Steve had woken up early and been to collect the caravan and Grace before Danny could wake up they agreed to leave hawaii at 3PM. Steve and Grace got back home and made Danny breakfast.  Steve made the coffee and breakfast before him and Gracie took it upstairs to find Danny still out of it with a relaxed smile on his face. They placed the food and the coffee on the bedside table, Grace went to her room to play while Steve woke Danny up. Steve straddled Danny's legs rubbing his thumb gently across Danny's lip.

Danny woke up with a smile and Steve leant down and kissed him lovingly.

"Good morning Mr Mcgarrett." Steve whispered gently against his lover's lips.

"Mhmm good morning Mr Williams." Danny giggled back against Steve's lips.

"Your breakfast is going to go cold baby." Steve whispered as he tried to sit up to get off the bed but Danny pulled him back against his lips.

"Thank you for breakfast baby do you think we could do something a wee bit more fun this morning?" Danny smiled trying to remove Steve's trousers.

"Baby our daughter is in the other room.

"Aww damn looks like I'll need to wait until tonight." Danny whispered.

Steve got off of Danny and placed the tray of breakfast on his lap.

"Thank you baby you didn't have to do this." Danny smiled.

Steve went to get Grace and carried her back to the bedroom.

"DANNO." Grace squealed crawling out of Steve's arm's and onto the bed.

"Monkey." Danny smiled hugging her tight.

"I'm going to miss you Danno you to Daddy." Grace said holding the hands of both Steve and Danny.

"Hey baby we will miss you too but we'll be home real soon. Me and Daddy are just going to take some time to get to know each other a little better don't you worry." Danny smiled squeezing her little hand.

"Hey princess, we'd love nothing more than to take you with us but you have school baby but tell you what, When we come home we you and Danno will go somewhere special just the three of us." Steve whispered wiping Gracie's eye's.

"Hey baby please don't cry by the time you even start to miss us we'll be home." Danny whispered rubbing her back.  

After making her feel better they ate then, they played with Grace for a couple of hours before saying their goodbyes and her being collected by Kono.

They were finished getting ready, when they were both at the door Steve picked Danny up bridal style along with their things most of which was already in the caravan. Steve walked out of the door turning around closing the door and locking it. He walked to the end of the garden with Danny still in his arms until they got to the wooden arch where he put Danny on the ground gently.

" your carriage awaits you Danno"

Danny turned around to face Steve placing his hand on the perfectly shaved skin and pushing his head down and joining their lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

4 hours later

Steve was driving and when he wasn't changing the gears he had his fingers interlocked with Danny's.

"Hey babe! Do you think we could make a pit stop?" Danny asked hopeful.

"Sure how come?" Steve smiled at his husband.

"Because I need to pee and we haven't eaten in 5 hours." Danny said.

"Okay but the next garage with food isn't for 30 minutes." Steve said full of hope

"That's fine!" Danny reassured with a smirk.

"But if you can't wait there's a bottle in the back!" Steve laughed.

Danny playfully punched him.

"Admit you just want to see my dick so your silently praying I'm that desperate." Danny said playfully.

Steve laughed without saying anything and carried on driving while gently sliding his hand up to the top his thigh and gently squeezing.

"Babe would you rather I came now or in your ass later?" Danny laughed.

"I would like to have you naked under me right now." Steve smiled.

"Well that most certainly has to wait until I have been to a bathroom and had something to eat." Danny returned.

30 minutes later

Steve pulled into the garage and Danny got out without a word and half jogged half walked to the bathroom. Steve just laughed and walked into the shop grabbing all kinds of snacks and juice for the road including 2 coffees.  He made his way back to the van waiting for Danny to come back. At the time he thought nothing of it but he could swear someone was watching him, but he forgot all about it when Danny got back.

6 hours later

They decided to pull over and rest for the night, When they pulled over they both went to change and get into bed, When they were both lying in bed Danny crawled on top of Steve kissing him passionately not bothering with gentle after Steve's antic's earlier he need to show Steve what he did to him.

They wasted no time in removing their fresh pyjama's and Danny showed Steve exactly what he meant to him. They cleaned up and were back in their pyjama's huddled together falling asleep.

Danny woke up suddenly because he felt like they were moving he sat up looking out the window realising they were he turned round to check where Steve was but he was asleep right beside him. Danny quickly shook Steve awake

"Babe someone is driving this van." Danny whispered sacredly.

Steve sat up putting on a t shirt standing up

"Danno call chin." Steve said trying to stay calm.

"Who is it?" Danny asked worriedly.

"Wo Fat." Steve said as he began to walk out of the small bedroom.

"No babe stop stay don't confront him it will get worse call Chin and wait for him." Danny said scared.

"You know I would rather stay in your arms until we stop but ...." Steve started.

"I know we agreed not to interrupt each other but babe I'm going to have to disagree." Danny said whilst pulling Steve back onto the bed.

Danny called chin

"Danny what do you want it's 3 in the morning? Aren't you guys on your honeymoon?" Chin said sleepily.

"Wo Fat has taken our van with us in it." Danny informed.

"What do you mean?" Chin said sitting up waiting for an answer.

"I mean we were asleep and Wo Fat has came and started the van and drove away with us in it." Danny said kind of cheekily.

"Okay stay calm I will track the van and come and get you guys." Chin reassured.

"Okay thanks sorry I woke you up at 3am." Danny said apologetically.

"It's fine bye." Chin said before ending the phone call.

"Chin is on his way babe" Danny smiled squeezing Steve's hand.

McDanno's story (editing slowly) #wattprideWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt