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Danny and Steve were lying in bed together after Steve receiving Danno's 100% guarantee! When the phone rang Steve answered:

"Mcgarrett... we'll be there soon..... okay bye"

Was all Danny heard.

" Danno I hate to wake you up early after such a good night but we have to go" Steve said gently rubbing Danny's shoulder.

" What happened" Danny said rolling over to face Steve.

"Reported gunshot" Steve replied.

"Doesn't HPD deal with that?" Danny said confused.

" Normally but this times different Danny" Steve said trying to get Danny out of bed.

They got up to get ready.

"How so" Danny sighed slightly worried.

" Danno I don't want to worry you but they came from Rachels house" Steve said.

Danny was barely dressed before he was running out the door to the camero. Steve wasn't out the house yet when his phone rang again, it was DANNY!

"Danno" He spoke.

"STEVE OUR DAUGHTER IS THERE MOVE NOW BEFORE I LEAVE WITHOUT YOU" He half yelled through the phone Steve pulling it away from his ear as he ran to the car.

" Danno I'm sorry I had to put clothing on" He said as he looked at Danny who still had his jammie bottoms on and his shirt no tie and his slippers on. His hair not brushed  sticking up in all directions.

" I love your hair like Danny" Steve chuckled.

Danny had a look of worry and desperation on his face however still managed to force a smirk at Steve's sarcasm.

"Steve I'm sorry...." He started before he was interrupted.

"Danno, you do not have to apologise, it's just because your scared and I get that please stay calm" Steve pleaded.

"Why are you so calm?" Danny questioned.

" I may have the exterior of calmness, but on the inside I'm not" Steve answered voice shaking slightly holding back the tears.

Steve and Danny were hand in hand the whole drive there Danny spoke just as the car stopped.

" Hey babe, I know your scared because this is your first relationship you've settled in, but baby we will always have each other and I love you always."

" Thank you babe now let's go and find our daughter okay and remember I'm always here and I love you more than you could ever imagine." Steve said squeezing Danny's hand.

Danny placed a kiss on his cheek before they left the car.

Danny and Steve went straight to Chin and Kono.

" Where's our baby ?" Danny said voice shaking.

They stayed hand in hand as they ran into the house Chin had told them Grace had locked herself in the bathroom and wouldn't leave.

Steve knocked on the door as he gently spoke.

" Grace baby we're here it's okay please open the door honey."

She fumbled with the lock she couldn't open it she was too weak.

" I cant open it" She whispered

" Baby have you eaten anything recently" Steve questioned gripping Danny's hand even more as they both quietly realised she was so weak.

" I haven't eaten since before I came here the other day" Grace whispered.

"Grace how long have you been in here?" Danny questioned.

"Since last night like 10 minutes after I got here." Grace answered.

"Why didn't you phone us?" Steve questioned.

" Because .. my .. phone .. is .. .. the.. room" she stuttered slowly losing consciousness.

" Grace stay with us baby" Danny pleaded.

Steve called Chin to get the ETA on the fire brigade.

"When is the fire brigade going to get here we have to get that door open now Grace is about to pass out"

" It will be here in a minute can you keep her talking?" Chin said trying to keep Steve calm.

"Okay" Steve said hanging up the phone.

They carried on chatting to Grace for another minute when they hear a group of people running up the stairs. They heard voices and then.

" Fire department" One of them called.

"We're at the bathroom" Steve answered.

"Okay what's going on?" One of the HFD people asked.

"Our daughter is stuck in the bathroom she is so weak she can't open the door" Danny answered.

"Hang on baby girl" Steve said clinging onto Danny's hand. He leant down to ear level whispering "She'll be okay baby, don't worry I'm always by your side"

Danny smiled although Steve knew he didn't mean it although Danny knew he was right he was so worried.

Danny ended up in a day dream of worry as he collapsed on the floor in panic. Their daughter was on the other side of that door by herself they felt pure helpless. Steve knelt down beside him.

"Danno, she'll be okay, I promise, our baby girl is strong remember that. But if it helps I'll give you a hug." Steve sighed with worry.

Danny placed his head on Steve's chest. Steve could felt Danny's shaking body against his own as he wrapped his arms around him.

2 hours later.....

Steve's pov

I am now at the hospital Danny still in my arms beside Grace's bed, she is hooked up to all these machine's we're both shaking with worry. I miss her smile.

she hadn't eaten in 24 hours the poor soul was locked in the bathroom with no food and nothing to drink.

we've been at the hospital for a couple of hours and although she's stable and going to be okay. We are all worried everyone has been to check on her bringing us food and there's loads of cards and balloons and bears all around the room.

McDanno's story (editing slowly) #wattprideWhere stories live. Discover now