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Next class is P.E class. Im so happy about it cuz actually I really like sports. Anykind of sports.

Today sport is playing volleyball.
You know what is the worst thing is I will be team with Yunhee. What a worst day ever. Btw, im feel relieved because at that times Jungkook's class were having P.E class at that place too.

Waaah... Jungkook oppa so hot. He looks so hot play that volleyball. Ehh... what??! What I am thinking about? Oppa?'re crazy, Y/N.okay, okay, lets focus.

"Okay class, you can start now this match." Says our lecturer.

" Well, take care Y/N. Be carefull okay?" Sudden Yunhee whisper towards my ears and gave me a smirk.

Ergh, whats wrong with her? What she wants to do this time. I hope its not stupid things.

The games start amd everyone gave their focus. When my partner gave me the third ball and for me its really high and a good timing to spike so I jumped in air and give spiked towards the opposite team. Unfortunately, they can't received it.

Yes!! Wah.. why I think I looks like have an experience in this?? Cool!

"Wahhh!!! Y/N, daebak!!! Cool!!! "

I heard someone cheers me up and I turned around to see who is he.

Im so happy because I can see Y/N very closed cuz we're having the P.E class at same placed.

Y/N must really like to play that games. Its her favourite sports at all.

All the times passes, when her class start the match, I tells my friends that Im out from that games. It's because I wants see she played until the games over.

Wow? She looks amazing when played that and.... spike!!! Yeayy!!!

"Wahhh!!! Y/N, daebak!!! Cool!!!" I shouted at her and then she truned around and see me. She give a sweet smile towards me. Okay okay, Im melting right now. Hahahha

Then, the games start agains with the new score that belongs to y/n teams. After a few minutes, when the ball comes towards y/n and she ready to spike it with jump into the air and then....

"Oh noo... y/n!!!!..." I shouted at her and rushed towards her.

When the balls come towards me and Im ready to take it with started to jump but...

"Argh...!" I let out a pain when I fall down because someone bump or pushed me really hards.

And because of that, I landed my right foot in wrong placed and that makes my foot tripped.

"Arghh... huhuhu.." I began to cry because the pain is really hurts.

And then,
" y/n!... are you okay??! Let me bring you to the treatment room." Jungkook rushed towards me and help me up by hold my waist. But, unfortunately I fell down again because the pain is really hurts. Then, Jungkook pick me in a bridal style and went to the treatment room.

In other side,

Ergh!! Why must always y/n got the attention from Jungkook?! Im not letting her go! Just wait, y/n! I will take my revenge!

Then I decide to leave that place but, the lecturer stop me and ask me why I behave like that and luckly Im not getting any punishment because of my fake reasons.

When I start to move away then I bumped into someone chest. And that when I looked up I see the boy give me his hand and looked at me with worried face.

"Are you okay? Im so sorry... " that boy say and still looked at me.

"Its okay, Im okay. Dont you worry." I reply and tried to stand up.

"Btw, you look like you're having a problem. May I help you if you dont mind it? Ouh, anyway my name is Kevin." that boy asked again.

"Erm, my name Yunhee. Yea... something happen that makes my heart hurts to see that incident. " I answer it and didnt know why I tell him bout it.

"Did you mean y/n and with that boy? " he asked again.

"Ouh, you know y/n? " I asked Kevin and shocked because how did he know her.

"Hurm, I know her a little bit. Hurm, Im hurts too when I saw that incident especially when she being with that man. Ergh.." Kevin suddenly told me and looks like he doesnt like Jungkook at all.

Wait? Did he fall in love with y/n? Hurm.. I think he is. So, if he fall in love with y/n, its easy for me to get Jungkook back. Hurm.. hahahha.

" Did you like y/n? Seems like you like her a lot." I asked him again.

"Erm, yea.. I started to fall in love with her. I just want to make her mine. Nobody can take her from me." Kevin says.

"Wow, calm down. Hurm, if that so... I think we have the same goal that we want. Hurm, how about you and I think the best ways to get the person that we love? You get y/n and I will get Jungkook. Did you like it?" I asked again and really hope that he agree with my plan.

"Ways? Hurm. Great idea. What is your plan?" Kevin answered it and it makes me happy.

"Great! this................" I explain the plan that we will do towards them.

Just see and wait y/n. Hahaha,  I will makes Jungkook hates you.


I'm Sorry But I Love You //Jungkook x Reader// [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now