Nico x reader: Game Buddies!

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"Y/NNNN-CHAN!!!!" An 8 year old Nico hugs you from behind. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

"Missed you too Nico! Sorry, the exam was longer than usual..." 8 year old Y/N replied.

"Oh, that's okay! You get worried when I go for the exam so don't be sad!!" Nico cheerfully smiles.

"Nico I have a surprise!"

"Really!!? Show me show me!"

You pull out a gaming console(small like the console Nico won at the New Years tournament). "One of the inmates gave me it."

"OH THATS SO CO-" Before Nico could finish Y/N puts her index finger on his lips.

"Shh! It's our little secret~"


-End of Flashback-

"ALRIGHT INAMTES WE HAVE A NEW INMATE JOINING CELL 13!!!" The four other inmates look back at Hajime with surprise. "Psst, I bet it's a girl! It's gonna be a girl!" Uno wispered to the other three, excited. "Nah! Why would they put a female prisoner in her anyway?" They replied. "Well if its a girl you all have to give me one of your sides at lunch, deal?!", the rest nod.

"Don't increase my workload..." Hajime shuts the door after the mystery inmate walks in.

"Hi!" A feminine voice replies, at that moment cell 13 lit up with pure joy. "IT'S A GIRL!!!"

"HA! I've won the bet~!" Uno teases.

"Hey I know you!" Nico speaks up. 'That voice...' Y/N thinks to herself.

"Y/N-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!" Nico jumps up, bear hugging Y/N.

"NICO?! OH MY GOD IT REALLY IS YOU!" Y/N returned the hug.

"Nico? You know her?" Rock asks.

"Uh-Huh! We were friends ever since we were kids!"

Nico turns over to Y/N. "Do you still have it?!"

"Yup!" Y/N pulls out that nostalgic game console from their childhood. "YAYAYAYAY!!"

"Guess what!"


"I got a console too! WE CAN PLAY TOGETHER NOW!!!" Nico cheers.

♡Nanbaka Oneshots♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ