Samon x Dying!reader: You promised... Part 2

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Requested by: @Weirdo4545 @FiskySenpai

smᎾᏁ... ṠḀṁṏṆ... SAMONNN!!!

Jerking up in panic from hearing his name, Y/N finds herself where Enki was about to be apprehended, in the underground floors. There wasn't really a weird feeling, but more like she couldn't feel anything at all. "Didn't I... Die??" Y/N stratches her head, deciding that she could ask the supervisors about it.

While she was moving, she realized it wasn't really her legs that moved, more like her whole body was floating. 'Okay... This is a dream, this has to be a dream.' She hopes that this is all just part of a bad nightmare.

-Building 5-

Y/N gets welcomed with waves of sunlight, a pleasantly warm and nostalgic feeling is noticed when looking at the Chinese styled building 5. While exploring the halls she finally comes across someone; Samon.

"SAMONNN!!" Y/N dashes towards her husband with open arms, expecting a hug. Instead, she fell threw him? She makes a few more attempts, completely phasing threw Samon literally.

"What?! Okay, let me try to understand..." Y/N floats next to Samon, trying to wrap her head around the situation. "So I can float but not walk... I can phase threw stuff including people... and I can't really feel anything. I'M A GHOST?!?!" Being a ghost was the most logical answer.

Now that the main question was solved, now theres another problem; Samon. No, its not that Samons on a rampage or is doing something crazy or anything, more like he isn't doing anything. Y/N focuses more on Samon's face, seeing no emotion.

His eyes weren't sparkling anymore, looking dull and in a daze. Samon doesn't look like hes normal, he looked as lifeless as those jiangshi surveillance dolls. As Y/N is his wife, she couldn't help but sympathize since she couldn't really do much to make him feel better now.

Throughout the day, Y/N gets more worried about Samon. He talks to blankly, as if he was acting or paying little to no attention. Some supervisors tried supporting him but it never seemed to have an effect.

-Later That Day-

Y/N stays with Samon, who is currently in the courtyard. He takes a seat on a nearby bench and he speaks to himself.

"I know I should move on but its just so hard... We were always together and now you're gone. Why?!" He puts his elbows on his knees, burying his face into his hands.


"You didn't deserve it! You should have lived!! If anything, I should have taken the hit... But I was too cowardly to even move!" His hands couldn't cover his tears, as they soak up his gloves.

Y/N didn't know what to say, seeing her husband tear himself apart by his guilt and sorrow. She tries not to phase threw him, putting her arms around Samon to attempt to comfort him. She had doubts that it would help, but appearently he noticed.

"This warm feeling... Its so comforting..." Samon manages to gives a little smile. 'What?! How can you feel my presence?? I thought ghosts wouldn't be able to do that!' Y/N thinks.

"I might be going insane but, it feels like you're here..."

...So you didn't break your promise after all..."

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