Liang x reader: Heating Up In Both Ways

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It was a very hot day today, Y/N was amazed to see how determined Liang was to train so vigorously. Heck you could barely last a few minutes in the heat! Upa didn't really care since he planned to meditate anyway.

Y/N always admired Liang's strength. It's as if he gets more influenced to train when he loses to someone, to you it was tedious but to him it was worth it. Y/N never wanted to be a softy, she may be weak but her spirit burns.

'Okay, I can do this! The heat won't be so bad to at least train with him, right?' Y/N debated in her head how she could do this. She tried multiple times to get Liang's attention but she couldn't keep up with his training; it was too extreme.

While Y/N was spacing out, she finally came to a conclusion. If she were to passout in front of Liang, he would have no choice but to carry her! It was genius to Y/N, imagine it, you're crush carrying to away into the sunset...or infirmary would strengthen the relationship! It was her time to shine.

Y/N took three deep breathes and leeped into the sunlight, the scorching heat clinged to her, it felt hopeless but like I said; her spirit burns. She jogged over to Liang, joining him in running laps. 'Yes! A chance to chat with him, perfect!' Y/N said to herself. Liang looked over with surprise, only making Y/N blush so much.

"Y/N? I thought it was too hot for you to handle."

"Oh don't worry about it! Sure the heat is immense but that won't stop me from getting stronger!" You cheerfully smiled.

"Wow, I like this new you. Well then if thats the case, I hope its not too much trouble for you to keep up." Liang sounded abit concerned, he'd seen that Y/N's condition wasn't so bright after countless attempts to exercise.

"Nonsense! I'm keeping up with you right now, r-right?" Y/N tried to keep her composure, she has never felt like this about someone before.

"I suppose you are, thank you for accompanying me." He gives a kind smile, Y/N couldn't help but smile back, even if she already felt like she was gonna die; shes dying for love.


About an hour has passed, it was almost dusk. Liang and Y/N were still jogging side by side, miraculously Y/N didn't collapse yet but Liang thinks differently.

'She doesn't look so well... really Y/N you know you can't keep up, why go through so much trouble?' Liang couldn't really find an answer for Y/N's actions, it was like mission impossible to try and keep a calm composure with a fragile body like Y/N's.

I mean, look at her! She's panting as if she was having a panic attack and looks like she crossed the desert! 'Liang, I hope you know how much you mean to me...' Y/N felt like passing out but this was like a dream to her; she hasn't kept up with Liang for this long and striking a conversation with him was even better.

But it wouldn't last...

Dropping to her knees she clenched her stomach. Sweating bullets along with her panting like a dog. Liang stopped as well, holding Y/N up by putting her aginst his shoulder.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" He tried shaking you abit, offering some water to her but she didn't respond. "Y/N?!" He kept repeating the cycle but all he got from her was:

"I did this for you..."


Y/N fluttered her eyes a little, after a few seconds of assessing her situation she jolted up as if she had a nightmare.

"Woah, easy going Y/N... you're body is still weak." The doctor pointed out.

"W-wait, I passed out?!" Y/N shouted. She planned to fake her blackout to see how Liang would react but no she had to collapse at the worst time!

"Yes you did, from what I've gathered you didn't eat much today so you're body didn't have enough strength to keep up when you were burning calories." The doctor explained.

"That explains alot..."

"We were all worried Y/N!!" Y/N looks to the right of her to see her three inmates look to her with worry.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"No need to apologize Y/N. But why did you do it?" Liang asked.

"I-I just..." The three were waiting patiently for an answer.

"I WANTED YOU TO NOTICE ME LIANG!" Y/N blurted out, blushing bright red.

"Me? Y/N I already know."

"Wait w-what?"

"You are amazing Y/N. I couldn't beleive you were so determined, and I'm sorry for not acknowledging that..." Liang gave Y/N a hug of apology. Y/N, being the cheeky female prisoner, lightly pecks Liang on the cheek. Liang blushes lightly and tightens his hug.

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