Kenshirou x shy!reader: Warm & Soft

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f/d = favorite drink

"I see that you are the new guard, welcome." Kenshirou spots the new guard that has just started work.

"O-Oh, you're the deputy supervisor!" Y/N blushes a little, getting nervous since she just got here and is in front of her boss, which is quite handsome. I just got here and I get to speak to the deputy supervisor?! Calm down Y/N, hes your boss, you should know him!

She doesn't seem so capable, like Seitarou almost... Kenshirou decides to keep his expectations low since she is brand new to Nanba. He smiles lightly, handing over her first assignment.

After A Long Afternoon Of Work

Y/N rests back in her chair, stretching her arms and legs after a long session of nonstop working. She decides to take a stop at the breakroom to relax.

She takes a seat on the nearest sofa in the breakroom, holding f/d in hand. Ahh I'm way in over my head! There's so much work! Oh I hope I don't get to see the dangerous inmates, Staying in my desk all day seems better!

As she sulks in her embarrassment while taking little sips of her drink, she turns to notice the deputy supervisor's sakura blanket draped over a couch cushion. Was Mr. Yozakura here recently?! Agh he probably will come back to get this and then we'd have to exchange an awkward conversation!

"Ooh it's still warm." Y/n feels the blanket, tempted by it's softness.

Without even noticing, Y/n has already cloaked herself in the blanket as she basks in it's fluffy ways. Ah, I really needed this! I was so tensed up from today... She rests her eyes as she takes a sip of her drink.

"What are you doing with that?" Kenshirou flatly asks, looming over her. Y/n yelps in shock, almost spilling her drink.

"N-N-Nothing, I-I just thought it was cold so... uh..." She freezes up by his confused glares, hiding her face with the blanket. Kenshirou sighs as he takes a seat next to her. "You don't need to be so embarrassed, I have ten more of those at home."

"It—It isn't that! I took it and— and I really didn't think of it at first I just—!"

Kenshirou sighs once more as he takes initiative. He grasps a corner of the blanket and wraps himself around it as well, his shoulders touching with hers. Y/n reddens as she screams internally. This can't be happening! This is my first day!!

"Are you alright? You're turning red."

"O-Oh not at all! I just didn't think you would d-do something like this..." She flusters up even more.

"Just so you know, this isn't anything special." Y/n hesitantly looks up at him as his cheeks spot a soft pink tint. "Let's forget about this, alright?" He looks back down at her as they lock eye contact. A long minute passes in dreadful silence. He looks away finally. "Don't look at me like that... it's nothing I said!"

♡Nanbaka Oneshots♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ