Tomato x Tall!reader: Last Minute Groceries

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Requested by @vieled123

As the transparent screen doors slide open automatically, a certain two push their cart into the store. Tomato rests his crossed arms on the handle bars of the cart and lets out a long sigh. "This is stupid, you know we could've just done this tomorrow and not in the middle of the night..."

"Oh stop complaining, wabbit." Y/n starts, trying to be the optimist here. "We need food so we are getting food. If you're so bummed out, you can sit in the cart for the time being."

Tomato slips out a small smile in his exhausted state, already hopping into the cart. He leans back against the end of the cart with him facing her. "I'm going to pick out some snacks."

Y/n let's out a small, rushed yawn. "Sure... Just don't try to fall asleep." She leans over so most of her weight shifts onto her crossed arms that rest at the handle bars as the cart slowly maneuvers it's way down the aisle.

The first aisle was for breakfast. Tomato peers behind him to see the wide range of cereal. "Make sure to get Trix!"

"Silly wabbit, Trix are for kids!" Y/n jokingly snickers. Tomato grinds his teeth. "Stop with the wabbit shit!!" He spits back, only fueling his best friend's laughter.

He tries to reach for the cereal from the cart, waving his hand around as his fingertips graze the box. Meanwhile, Y/n grabs the cereal box and tosses it into the cart with ease. "You are so cute, it's painful to see." She winks as Tomato glares back daggers.

"Shut up! You're too tall!"

— (_ _).oO —

The next aisle was for coffee/tea. Y/n stops the cart in front of the coffee/tea, parking the cart to the side. Tomato sits in idle with his phone sideways as he plays a game. He looks up to the strong scent of coffee.

Y/n picks out the usual bag of coffee/tea they always get. She tosses it into the cart, landing in Tomato's lap. He averts his gaze from the phone and picks up the bag to smell.  "Don't open the bag yet! Smell the coffee after checkout, weirdo."

He abruptly drops the bag. "Why would I smell the bag?! Weirdo!" He stucks his tongue out while his eyes narrow. She does the same.

"Only a few more things and then we can leave. Got it, wabbit?" She clamps her hands down on the handle bars and proceeds to push the cart out to the next aisle. "You're such a child when your sleepy..." She grumbles to herself.

— (_ _).oO —

The next aisle was the frozen aisle. Y/n shifts the cart to the side. She looks off to the lit up row of potential dinners as the gears in her head start to turn. "What do you feel like eating tomorrow?"

Tomato looks in her direction, then back at the choices lined up behind a transparent door. "... Lasagna, I guess. Everything looks good." Nonchalantly, he puts his attention back on his phone.

Y/n pulls back the cold, clear door and tosses the boxed lasagna into the cart. She briefly checks her phone to see the time getting scarce. "Shitaki mushrooms!" She curses under her breath(if you can call it that...), quickly rushing to the cart.

Now she pushes the cart with haste as Tomato takes his eyes away from his phone in confusion. "What's the rush??"

"Ice cream ice cream! What kind do you want?" She quickly spits out as she makes a hard turn into another frozen aisle. She abruptly stops the cart and proceeds to run for the frozen treats. Tomato looks back with widened eyes and even more confusion. "Neopolitan!! Now can you tell me the rush? I thought you were getting some other things, we always get ice cream last!" He raises his voice since she was on the other side of the aisle.

She runs back with two large buckets of ice cream and plops them down with everything else, once again pushing the cart out to get to checkout. "We got five minutes until the store closes! Don't you get it, wabbit?!" Y/n tries to fight her exhaustion with the rising determination for speed.

Tomato sighs loudly in return. "I thought we were at the place that was open 24/7? Did you forget because this was closer to the house??"

Her face flushes with frustration and embarrassment, defeated by her exhaustion. "And what if I did!? Shut up and play your game or something, I'm too tired to argue right now!"

— In The Parking Lot —

"You drive this time..." Y/n pulls the lever beside her front seat and the seat is drawn back. She lies on her side, exhaling in relief as she shuffles a little.

Tomato watches her figure as her breathing becomes steady and her posture relaxes. He lets out a big yawn and brings his seat closer to the steering wheel. "Pushing yourself so much, making me carry most of the groceries and now making me drive! " He jams his keys into the keyhole. He takes one last glance at her before his eyes gaze back at the road.

"Dumbass..." He chuckles quietly to himself.

It's 3am and I can't move I'm so tired...

Anywho I hope this was good for ya'll, I procrastinated a lot and totally forgot about making any oneshots that were Christmas related rip

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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