Liang x reader: Mixed Signals part 2

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Requested by: @Lily7021

Y/N gets back from the 'incident' in the sparring match, now cautious of all the boys especially Liang since he... did something he shouldn't have.

"Y/N I said I'm sorry!" Liang tries reason, with a low percentage of working.

"Sorry won't cut it! I thought you were nice but this is... why the hell did you do that?!" She gets a feeling of betrayal, after meeting these people they seemed nice, but one perverted act was enough to snap that bond.

"I didn't mean it at all!! It was an accident!"

"Heh, 'accident' my ass! Doing something so perverted..." Y/N gets a flashback of the past, of the times when stuff like this made her not want any guy friends. "Next time you want to forgive me, don't think that a bit of small talk would help after what you've done! I've already been threw so much of that bull crap..."

"Y/N..." Liang watches her leave into another room.

"Did something happen?" Upa approaches Liang with curiosity.

"Its complicated..."


'Dammit dammit dammit!! Why does this prison have to be filled with only male inmates, not a single female inmate?! Ugh this is (beep)' Y/N lays on her side, thinking to herself about her luck and her condition or more specific; fear.


"Hey... Hows your night?" A middle aged man walks out and leans against the railing outside of a penthouse. Y/N isn't fond of parties so she spends most of her evening here.

She was peer pressured into going to this party by a friend of hers who was part of a rich family which explains the penthouse, she wasn't friends witb that person ever again after this incident.

"Not that well..."

"Oh? Well maybe I can make it better~" He slowly wraps his arm around Y/N, groping her chest instead of comfort. She wips the hand away in shock, seeing that the man is hammered drunk, slumping all over the place.

"Whats wrong little lady? ...Haven't you gotten to 'get it on'? Or are you a shut in?" He gives a weird smile. Y/N tries going for the door but when she does, he pins her down against it.

"You look soooo beautiful, better than that old hag from the other night..."

"Mother(beep)!!" She yells as loud as she can, to the point where her throat hurts. A few seconds after the door she was against opened up to find her old friend saving her once again, lets call her Jenny.

"You can (beep) right off!" Jenny punches the man out cold then helping Y/N up, her dress loose from that moment.

-Back To Present-

'I was just barely saved from being raped for gods sake! Every boy that I've ever been close to acted like a friend but was truly just attracted to my looks. Why... I can't believe that I got androphobia from all that.' Y/N buries her face into her pillow, feeling hopeless.

Why wasn't Y/N afraid of the boys from the start since she has androphobia? Well she had an open mind then and they seemed nice at first.

Believe it or not, Liang was pretending to sleep and saw Y/N. It was difficult to assume if it was just that she couldn't sleep or if it had to do with the incident earlier.


"Liang, we're heading out for breakfast! You coming?" Upa calls out, not seeing Liang with him.

"In a minute, I just need to uh... finish braiding my hair!"

"Alright... What about you Y/N?" He turns to Y/N who is still in her futon.

"Need to get something first, I'll catch up later."

"You two better not be late! Me and Qi will be off now." As the two leave, an awkward silence fills the air in cell 8.

Liang has finished braiding his hair already and Y/N was just on her way to leave the room, but it didn't end just like that.

As Y/N is about to open the door, a hand slams against the door, keeping it shut. She immediately gets a wave of urgency, looking back to see Liang pretty close to her face.

"Listen, can you please forgive me?"

"N-No! I said that sorry won't be enough, get out of my fac-"

"I know sorry isn't enough, so how about I do this?" He leans in slowly while closing his eyes, Y/N struggling to back away further since shes against the door. Before she could act, Liang had already locked lips with her and did for a solid 5 seconds.

Y/N was surprised but... enjoyed it. When the intimate moment was over, she immediately blushes with embarrassment over what she just did and covers her mouth with her hands. Liang chuckled lightly at how adorable Y/N looked.

"So, are we even?"

"U-Uh, maybe..."

"Is maybe a yes?"


"I guess you don't want to spar again, right?"

"HELL NO!! Gah! And I was starting to think you were a good guy again..."

-Meanwhile On The Other Side Of The Door-

Appearently, a certain few were listening in; Kenshirou, Upa, and Qi. Upa was the first to really notice that something was up so he was the one listening in and telling it to the others.

Upa hears a sudden smooch, taking him completely by surprise. "What did you hear?" Qi gets excited from seeing his expression.

"I thought I was just here to deliver some data and this happens..." Kenshirou sweat drops.

"T-they... kissed..."


"Dibs on best man." Kenshirou deadpans.

"I'm her brother, I should be best man!"

"Shut up both of you, they'll hear us! We don't even know if they are getting married!"

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