Kenshirou x reader: Whos a good dog?! You are~!

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Requested by: @Lily7021

"Kenshi-san!" Y/N wined.
Kenshirou couldn't take it anymore, Y/N has been wining to him for so long. He can handle his temper when Y/N wines, but when she starts treating him like a dog, he takes it so seriously.

"What, Y/N- huh?!" He turned over from his computer to see Y/N, patting his head.

"Whos a good doggy!? Yes you are~!!" She chirped. Kenshirou was surprised to see how close their faces were, he could feel her breathing. He immediately turns the other way,  trying to keep his composure but just barely.

"Y-Y/N... I'm not a dog to teach tricks to. Go continue your work."

"Awww!" She wined. "But a good dog always deserves a treat, don't they?"

"I told you I'm not-!" Kenshirou was once again getting stroked by Y/N. 'How old is she?' He thought. He would've scolded her by now, but the feeling of her patting his head seemed mesmerizing.


"Tsk, I'm only letting you do this because it will get you to stop whining." He batted his head in the other direction, but Y/N spotted his pink cheeks.

"Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that and I might have to put you on a lease if you don't cooperate."

"wait WHAT?!?!!?!!?" He bolted after Y/N who had lured him into her plan.

"Yay! I knew I would get you on a walk!!" She cheered while running.


♡Nanbaka Oneshots♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin