Honey x Neko!Trois: Tender Mornings

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Requested by @Chiakichii

Picture this: A cozy apartment with interior desgning from a broke adult that can't purchase proper furniture. BOXES EVERYWHERE.

"Honey-kunnnn~" Trois whines loudly as he pokes Honey's cheek. Trois had snuck into Honey's bed, helping himself by snuggling under the covers. "Open your eyes!" Trois' ears droop down as Honey doesn't reply.


"...Go back to sleep..." Honey groans lazily as he attempts to shove Trois away. "I honestly don't care if it's in my bed... Just shut up for five minutes." His eyes open to a squint as he is assaulted by warm sunlight shimmering down from the skylight. He grabs the covers over him and pulls them over his head as he turns away.

Doesn't care if I'm in his bed? He must be warming up to me! I knew we could make some progress. Trois happily buries under the covers, wrapping his arms around Honey's chest whilst snuggling into his back. Honey groans loudly, but doesn't budge. Trois lets out a little giggle to himself as his tail swishes back and forth. He's so warm... Or maybe that's the sunlight.

The two remain in this blissful trance, until Trois peers over Honey's shoulder to look at the clock at the bedside table. "Honey-kunn~" He whispers softly into his ear. "It's been five minutes, time to wake up."

Honey remains asleep, only shifting his position a small bit. Trois then pokes his cheek repeatedly but still, no sign of waking up. His mouth curves into a smirk with the thought of some experimentation.

He moves to the other side of the bed and curls jnto a ball, now facing his chest as he hears the sound of his beating heart. He is so peaceful, I wonder if he can ever be this calm when he is awake... Trois closes his eyes to take in his situation. Think about it: Honey would never let Trois in so easily, this is a rare occasion.

Trois looks up to Honey's face with his purple-ish pink hair drape over his eyes. his lips almost glistening in the sunlight. Trois carefully caresses his cheek as he slowly leans closer in. His lips delicately connect, pretty much turning him on max. Everything felt perfect.

As he pulls away reluctantly, Honey's eyes slowly open as if nothing happened. He immediately shoots himself up and scoots to the other side of the bed. "WHAT. THE. FUCK."

Trois breaks the tension as he lets out a laugh, sitting up from the bed. "I-I... hehe... Woke you up at least. Did you like it, nyan~?"

Honey wipes his lips furiously as his expression flusters. "Does that count as sexual assault?! I WILL PRESS CHARGES!"

"H-Hey easy nyaow! If it makes you feel better, there's wine in the kitchen. Your favorite as well!" Trois' ears shoot up with his tail as he puts his hands up.

"...!?" Honey looks down to the kitchen. To his surprise, the counter has a tall wine bottle just sitting there, waiting to be drank. "...I will spare you for now! Now if you'll excuse me, I will be having breakfast."

"Hahh??" Trois gives a judgmental glare, watching his friend plow through the many boxes in his path. "You need protein! Full meals! Not just wine you unhealthy alcoholic! We don't even have wine glasses to pour it in— NYA! DON'T CHUG IT ALL! I WILL TELL YOUR THERAPIST!"

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