Emily couldn't help but roll her eyes towards her aunt, now she realized why Jenna was still hanging around the car wash. But Emily decided to be nice for Jenna's sake since apparently her aunt still like the guy. "I remember seeing you when we were younger," she told the news reporter.

"Your emotional maturity level when we were together," Jenna commented as she looked at Logan.

"Ouch," Logan mumbled. "Here I thought we were making progress," he told Jenna.

Emily couldn't help but smirk as she watched her sassy aunt talk to her ex boyfriend. She noticed the way the news reporter stared at Jenna or how needy he was for the strawberry blonde's affection, so she decided to use that to get her information about what happened in 1953. "Hey, Logan. If it isn't too much trouble, could I ask you for a favor?" Emily asked with a charming smile.

Logan turned to Jenna as he questioned with a small smile, "if I do her a favor, will I get back into your good graces?"

Jenna sighed, "uh, a very reluctant maybe."

Logan turned to Emily with a smile as he spoke, "done." But he quickly turned back to Jenna, "wait. One condition. Dinner, tonight, your house."

"Fine," Jenna deadpanned as her two nieces smirked at her. "But you're eating leftovers," she told Logan.

"Ooh," Logan cooed in fake excitement before he turned to Emily. "What do you need?" He questioned.

Emily bit her lip before she questioned, "do you have access to old new stories, say the fifties?"

"Yeah," Logan nodded, "at the station. Between the archives and the internet, we pretty much have everything."

Elena realized what her sister was doing, so she turned to Logan with a bright smile, "we have this report way past due. It'd be a lifesaver."

Logan nodded his head as he told the two sisters, "heading there now. Let's go."

The Gilbert sisters gave Logan a identical dazzling smile before Emily turned to her aunt, "if you see Caroline, tell her I'm putting her in charge as my co-captain." Once Jenna gave her a small nod, Emily grabbed Elena's hand and quickly followed after Logan.

Logan directed the two Gilbert sisters to a small room as he began to explain, "we digitized all our archives last year. You can pull all the remote footage right up on screen." He glanced at the two girls as he questioned, "what is it exactly you're looking for?"

"An incident from 1953," Emily explained, "at the old Salvatore boarding house."

Before Logan could say anything, his cell phone began to ring. "Sorry, one second," he told the girls. "Yeah? Fire? All right, be right there," Logan spoke into the phone before hanging it up. "I gotta go," he told the two sisters. "Can you believe there is actual news to cover in this town," Logan chuckled. "All right, use keywords to search the database. It's pretty easy to navigate," he explained, "and Brady down in Tech will help you out with anything you need."

Elena nodded her head with a small smile, "okay."

"All right?" Logan questioned. He was almost out of the door before he turned around and asked, "oh, hey. Could you guys put in a good word for me with Jenna?"

"You got it," Elena told Logan with a polite smile.

Logan nodded his head as he spoke, "alright." He threw in a quick, "good luck," before shutting the door behind him as he went on his way.

Emily rolled her eyes once the news reporter was gone. "He does not deserve Jenna," she told her sister. But Emily grew serious once she sat in one of the rolling chairs next to Elena and pulled up the search engine on the computer. She thought for a moment before she typed in 'Joseph Salvatore + animal attack' before pressing search. It took only a few seconds before the page popped up with one match found. Emily clicked on the link and the two sisters silently began to watch the old black and white video.

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