Part 25

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Four in the afternoon...

After what happened with my father, I decided to take a day off. Dan dropped me off at the penthouse in the company and left to finish his work. At least Dan cared for me. Thats all that matters at this point. Someone in the world at least knows I exist. I soon drifted to sleep.

I woke up to a unpleasant sound outside the room. I looked at the window to see that the sun had gone down. I glanced over the clock on the wall and saw that it was eight o'clock. I guess I slept longer than I intended. I quickly got up, washed my face, grabbed my bag, and exited the room. Walking down the long hallway on my way to the stairs, I noticed the abnormal paintings on the wall. There was no clear picture to them, just different vibrant and dark colors plastered on a canvas. Why would they hang up such gloomy pictures? I kept on walking until I noticed the stairs in view. Sprinting, I looked down from the bridge of the stairs to notice Dan, Nathan, Harvey, and Bass sitting on a couch in the living room drinking god knows what. I didn't want them to notice me so I silently walked down the stairs, trying my best not to make any noise. 

I finally made my way down and surprisingly, none of them had noticed me. I sprinted to the door and let out a sigh. I put my hand on the knob and just as I was about to turn the knob, the door flew open pushing me to the floor in the process. I hit my head hard on the marble floor. I lifted myself up slowly and then I saw someones hand being held out to me. I looked up and saw that it was Josh who flew open the door. I took his hand and he pulled me up.

"Blair, I am so very sorry. Are you hurt? Do you need to go see a doctor or something?", Josh said, blabbing on and on.

"Josh, J..Josh calm down ok. Just my head hurts, thats all", I said, grabbing my head from the pain that it was emitting.

"Oh Blair, I didn't mean to hurt you I-" Josh was cut off by a strong male voice behind me. 

"Whats going on", it was Dan who asked. I turned around to face him. His black blazer was disheveled. His hair was shuffled. And by the looks of it, the drink he was drinking a few minutes ago had spilled all over his white shirt. Nathan was right beside him, worry evident in his face. It also looked like some of Dans drink had spilled on him. I noticed Harvey and Bass making their way over here. Ugh, I don't want to face Bass. I have to get out of here.

"Nothings going on. I was just leaving and Josh was just coming in", I said, regaining my composure and straightening my clothes. I grabbed my purse that was on the floor and made my way to the door.

"Also have a good night everyone", I said before quickly running out. I ran faster and faster as I saw the elevator in view. I could hear voices behind me. They were calling my name. God I just wanna go home. I pressed the elevator repeatedly to make it open faster. After what seemed like forever, the doors opened. I pressed any random number without looking as I quickly closed the door. I saw a glimpse of Dans face as the doors shut. Why can't that mad man leave me alone. I leaned on the elevator wall as it descended down. 

It then suddenly stopped. What!Why did it stop on the second floor. The doors opened and for a second, I thought it was Dan so I closed my eyes shut but then a familiar soft voice made me open them. 

"Blair, whats wrong? Are you ok?", she said. It was Serena. Without thinking, I went up and hugged her. After some hesitation, she hugged me back.

"Serena, Im so glad I found you", I said looking at her with a smile on my face as I let her go.

"Im glad I found you too I guess. I get the creeps sometimes, walking alone around a big company at night", she said, smiling back at me.

"I know right. Anyways, what are you doing here?", I asked, now confused on why she was even here.

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