Part 12

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I just sat on my bed thinking about everything that happened yesterday. It was 6:30 in the morning. I didn't want to get up knowing that I would have to work with Isla for a month or face Nathan. Ugh, why is my life so complicated. I sat there for another ten minutes when my doorbell rang. Hmmm, who would be here so early. I got up, fixed up my face, and went to open the door. I then opened the door and was shocked to see Nathan's face, looking down at me. He came in before even asking for my permission and went to sit in the living room.

"Um, Mr. Barnett, what are you doing here so early", I asked.

"Stop being so formal when we are alone", he said looking around the house. Yesterday he just said that I can't call him by his first name. No, I will not get involved with him anymore.

"Mr. Barnett, I think you should go", I said pointing at the door. He then looked up to me.

"Blair, I know what I said, but it's ok right now. Call me Nathan", he said.

"Mr, Barnett, please go. I need to get ready for work", I said opening the door for him. Instead coming to the door he went toward the kitchen. Ugh, why are men so complicated. I closed the front door and followed him. I saw him open the fridge and grab a vitamin water. He opened it and drank it. Is it weird that I was watching him drink it? He then stopped drinking and starred at me. 

"So, I heard from Harvey that you had an interaction with Dan yesterday", he said, drinking again. 

"WHY are you and Harvey so against me talking with Dan. I mean yeah, he is a weird guy, but just tell me why you are so against it", I said.

"If I told you the reasons, you would not like them. I am warning you for your own sake. Once you get involved with Dan, there is no turning back", he said finishing the bottle in his hands.

"What does that even mean?", I said in an annoyed tone.

"It's none of your business. Do me a favor and stay away from him okay. This is the last warning I am giving you after that, you are on your own", he said, and then went back to the living room. I went after him. 

"Also, don't tell Harvey about us okay", he said as he walked closer to me.

"There is no us", I said.

"You know and I know that that is not entirely true", He said, whispering into my ear. His breath sent a shiver down my spine. 

"Nathan, I have to get ready for work", I said as I backed away. He looked toward me. 

"I'll drive you to work", he said.

"No, it's ok. I have to go to my parents house and get my car from my sister. You don't have to take me", I said as I headed for the stairs. He then grabbed my arm.

"I'll then drive you to your parents house", he retorted back.

"Nathan, I will take a cab", I said, as I shook his hand off my arm.

"No, I will drop you off and that is final". He then let go of my arm and went to sat in the living room. Ugh, whatever. I went to my room and got ready for work. I then went down the stairs. Nathan was sitting down there, watching something on the television. He noticed my presence and turned it off. He stood up and went towards the front door. He opened the door for me and I walked towards his car. He followed me too. 

I gave him my parents address and turns out they live five minutes from the company. I rarely visit them. The last time I went to their house was Christmas. I don't visit much because I hate my little sister and my parents don't have a good relationship. It pains me that they can't get along so I don't visit them a lot. They hated the idea of me living on my own because they wanted me to inherit the company. But I declined. I don't want to be apart of their work. 

After some driving, I spotted the house. Their house was a three story mansion. The whole place was gated and there was security at the entrance. 

"Nathan, you can drop me off here", I said grabbing my stuff.

"No, I'm dropping you off inside", he said. I didn't have the energy to argue so I didn't fight back. The security guard saw me and let us in. Nathan drove up to the house and stopped the car. As soon as I got out, the front door opened and my mother and sister came out. My mother ran and hugged me and I saw my sister drooling over Nathan. Disgusting. I greeted my mother and rolled my eyes at my sister and then I noticed my father in the drive way. He was frowning at me. I looked behind to see if Nathan had left, but he didn't. In fact, his car was turned off and he was standing right behind me. 

"So, who is this fine young man", my mother said smiling at him.

"Hello, pleasure to meet you. My name is Nathan Barnett", he said. Then my sister cut in front of me and introduced herself. 

"Hi Nathan, I am Bay. I am Blair's younger sister and I am 21 if you were wondering", she said in a flirty tone. Nathan looked at her then at my dad. Nathan starred at him and my dad starred back. What was going on?

"So dear, you never visit us. Why are you here?",my mother asked me.

"Oh yeah, so yesterday I heard that Bay took my car. I cam here to take it back", I said as I starred at Bay. She just scoffed.

"Mine broke. I needed one so I took yours. Whats the big deal", she said.

"Ugh, then go ask dad to buy you a new one", I said as I headed toward my dad to greet him. "Hey dad". He didn't say anything and continued to look at Nathan.

"Dad, is something wrong". He then came closer and whispered something in my ear.

"Why are you with this man?", he asked. Of course, he cares about everything else but me. I was going to answer but I was interrupted by Nathan.

"Sir, pleasure meeting you", he said. My dad just looked at him and Nathan looked at him with a totally fake smile on his face.

"Well, you guys can continue your starring competition. I am going to go get my car back", I said as I headed for the garage. There were lots of sports cars and then I spotted my silver Cadillac. I hopped in and saw that the keys were already in there. I drove out and spotted Nathan and the others outside. I stopped my car right in front of them and got out. 

"What are you guys talking about?", I asked.

"Blair, your boyfriend is very handsome", my mother said out loud. What the fuck! He is not my boyfriend.

"Mom, he is n-", I said, but then Nathan cut me off.

"Yes, I am her boyfriend. We are very happy together", he said. My jaw dropped. What. The. Fuck...

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