Part 21

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It was 6:30 am. I was at the Publix five minutes away from work. The cake here was amazing so I decided to get a tiny chocolate cake for myself. There was barely anyone in the store so I decided to go to the self check out. After grabbing my cake, I got in my car and drove to the parking deck of my work.


I was very early to work. After being extremely late yesterday, I swore and decided never to drink on a work night. What am I going to do for the next hour and five minutes? I cut a piece of my cake and ate it. Ugh, maybe I should take a nap? Hell no. I am not going to sleep. I took out my phone and started going through my unread texts and voicemails. 

A few from typical Bay, some from my mother, others from work, and oh...whats this? It was one me my father. All it said was We need to talk. This is urgent. Huh. He never texts or calls me. This must be important. I responded with Sure. Meet me today for lunch at the my work. I sent the text and almost immediately got an answer from him. I will see you at 12 then it said. Why the hell was he up so early? I looked at the time and it was now 7:15. Ugh, what am I going to do for the next 45 minutes. 

I sat there for another five minutes and then noticed something or should I say two people getting out of the car. I slouched on my seat and poked my head out to see who they were. I looked closer and saw Harvey and ... Bass. What the heck is Bay's boyfriend doing here? Well now that I remember, Bass is Harvey's cousin but what is he doing here? They both swiftly got out with files in their hands and left the parking deck in the direction of the lobby. I now looked at the time and it was 7:30. I can't stay in this car much longer. I got out, grabbed my stuff, and walked to the entrance of the building. At least I wasn't late.

The lobby was empty. The sounds of my heels clicking was the only sound you could hear. I made my way to the reception desk to check myself in but then I remembered that I am not a regular employee anymore. Does a secretary have to check in here or check in with her boss? I wondered what to do for about five minutes and then just decided to check in here and with my boss. I made my way to the elevator and pressed the 61st button.

The ride up was taking forever but the doors finally opened. As soon as they did, I was greeted by the fresh smell of coffee and men in suits running around with files in their hands. I stepped out and then all eyes were on me. There was like fifteen men in the hallway and they all stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Then I heard voice calling out from the end of a hallway. "Bass, go grab me those files right now". It was Harvey. I saw Bass walk out of Harvey's office and then notice me. His eyes lit up in a mischievous way. He slowly walked towards me grinning until Harvey came out of his office and said "Wait Bass. I forgot to give you this". Harvey was engrossed in the files he was holding to notice me. "Here", he said as he handed a piece of paper to Bass. Bass took it but never took his eyes off of me. Harvey finally looked up and noticed everyone. He then noticed me. "Blair, you are here. Really early. See this is why I picked you. You are perfect for this job", Harvey said.

"Thanks. I just had some questions", I said, getting a little uncomfortable with all of the starring. Harvey seemed to notice my uneasiness.

"Everyone, get back to work now", he shouted and with that everyone scrambled everywhere. As he said this, everyone went back to work except Bass. He was still starring at me and occasionally looked me up and down. 

"Bass, this includes you. Go get the things I asked for", Harvey said, shoving his cousin.

"Yeah, Yeah I will. But first let me introduce myself properly. Blair Hanes, I am Bass Quin as you know I am Harvey's cousin. I work here now as an associate. I guess we will be meeting more often", Bass said smirking.

"Get back to work before I  fire you", Harvey said, now mad. Bass gave me a quick smirk and left.

"Sorry about him. He gets all crazy when he sees a beatif-I mean pretty women for the first time", Harvey said, but it looked like he was blushing. 

"Oh but I met Bass before", I said a little confused.

"You have? Where?"

"At my parents house. I was invited for dinner and he was there"

"Why the hell was he at dinner at your parents house?", Harvey asked even more confused. Got to admit that his confused face was a little cute.

"Well turns out he was dating my sister, Bay. Thats when I met him"

"He was dating you sister?? How old is she? I swear if you say she is something like 16 I will-" 

"She is 21. Don't worry. I just thought they were still together"

"Oh, well I would love to meet her if she is as sweet as you"

"Trust me. She isn't. I would call her a slut if she wasn't my sister", I said, a little disappointed that she was one. He was going to say something when the elevator door opened revealing Nathan. His cool and calm face turned into a confused one when he saw us.

"What are you both doing here so early", he asked, making his over to us.

"We were just talking about work", Harvey said changing to a business casual tone.

"Is that right", Nathan said, looking my way.

"Yes, that is. Blair just wanted to ask us some questions", Harvey said.

"SO whats your question", Nathan said now walking toward a conference room. I guess we were supposed to follow him. We walked into a very long room with a long table in the middle. Nathan sat at the head of the table while Harvey sat at the other side. I didn't know where to sit so I sat in the middle of the table.

"So what was you question", Nathan asked, looking at my direction.

"Um, so I had three questions. Where is my office? Where do I check in when I come and leave? And what time does my work exactly begin", I asked.

"Okay well I have a lot of work to do so lets get this over with", Nathan said." Your office is on the 60th floor. I will show you it later. You also have a desk in you room in the penthouse so you can work up there too. There is really no check in for anyone who works up on this floor so you can actually come in whenever you want but we prefer you come in at 9 and you can leave whenever you want after 5. Most people work overnight or sleep at the penthouse so it's really up to you. So is there any other question?", Nathan said in one breath.

"Umm no. I think you answered all my questions", I said.

"Well this was fun. Hey Blair, do you wanna have lunch with me", Harvey asked in a flirtatious tone. From the corner of my eye, I could see Nathan annoyed by Harvey's question. 

"Oh well I am already having lunch with someone else today but thanks for the offer", I said but I was interrupted by Nathan.

"Who are you having lunch with?", he asked.

"My father", I said. Hearing this, his face darkened. His expression all of sudden changed.

"Well I'll catch you later", Harvey said and left the room. I was alone in a room with Nathan.

"I have work to do. Let me go show you your office", Nathan said and without waiting for me, he headed out the room. I literally ran after him and barely made it into the elevator. The ride down was awkward and short since we were only going down one floor. I followed him and everyone's eyes were on me. He sensed everyones gaze and suddenly stopped in front of me. I whispered to him, "Why are you stopping". He didn't respond. Instead he looked around the room and cleared his throat to get everyones attention.

"Everyone this is Blair Hanes. She used to work here as an associate but now she is secretary for the director of boards. Her office will be the main one on this floor so if you need help or assistance on anything, you will only go to her. The other managers on this floor will be working on another floor. If you have any problem with this, go to the director of boards". With that he led me to the office that was supposed to be mine when I started here and gave me the key and name with an authorization card. 

"I am late for a meeting. I'll see you around", Nathan said and then left the room. Looking at this room reminds me of that girl and Dan making out. Ugh, I can't shake that memory out. I guess I have to deal with it. I started my work and waited till it was 12 for lunch with my father.

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