Part 23

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I couldn't sleep. My mind was on Dan the entire night. I have to marry him. I have to marry the man that tried to choke Nathan for touching me and tried to beat up Harvey. And the stupid son of a bitch referred to as my father isn't doing anything to stop this. A marriage I don't want. And then he tells me my 'real' mother died a day after I was born and that I've been raised by someone else this whole time. I would have to go to court today and sign papers that locked away my freedom to do anything and marry a crazy man known as Dan. Why is my life so fucked up. Couldn't I be like any other regular girl with a normal life. Ping. The sound of the alarm ringing made me jump out of bed. Huh, something is definitely wrong with me. It was 6:30 am. 

I went into the bathroom to shower and do my regular routine. Since today I was going to court, I wore a navy blazer with a navy skirt to my knees with dark navy shoes. I brushed my hair and ironed it straight. Ugh, today was going to be a very stressful day. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to make breakfast which is very rare of me. Eggs and toast would have to do. I quickly ate and made my way outside. As I locked the front door, there was a honk from the driveway. The honk scared me and I dropped my keys. Fuck, where are they? I looked around the floor to look for them and as I did, I heard someones voice from above, "looking for these". I looked up to find Dan. What the hell was he doing at my house? How the hell does he know where I live? Why is here this early in the morning? 

"Hey beautiful, did I scare you?", he said handing me the keys. I vigorously grabbed my keys from his hand and locked the door. I pushed past him and made my way towards my car. 

"Where do you think you are going", he said following me.

"To work", I said pressing the button to unlock the doors.

"It's 6:50 women. Your work starts at 9".

"I like going to work early", I said as I opened the door to the drivers seat. Then a hand was on top of mine and pushed the door closed. The warmness of his hand was radiating off mine.

"I don't think so. You are coming with me", he said and forcefully took a hold of my hand.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?", I said trying to pull myself away from him.

"You are signing the papers today aren't you? So that means we need to get to the courthouse together and sign them", he said now dragging me to his car in the driveway.

"I don't think the court house is even open at this time and what makes you think I want to sign the papers", I said, still trying to pry his hand off of mine.

"Trust me. I know girls like you. You would do anything for the sake of money", he said, opening the door to a limo.

"What do you mean girls like me? I don't care about my fathers money. He can go shove it up his ass for all I care. And I haven't decided if I want to go through with this so you have no right to take me with you", I said, rebelling to get in.

"Oh sweat heart, you say that now but trust me, you can't live a life without money or wealth". He then pushed me in and got in himself and told the driver to drive away.

"What is wrong with you? I just said I wasn't sure so you can't take me to the courthouse".

"Fine. I respect your decision for now. We are going to a friends house right now and then we will go to work. Okay?".

"Whatever. But who is going to take me back home?".

"I'll send a driver. Just shut the hell up", he said. Fine, at least he wan't forcing me to do anything so thats good.

About 10 minutes later, we arrived at a tall building that I distinctively recognize. I think this is where Nathan lives if I remember correctly. Dan got out and he told me to get out too. He offered his hand but I rejected it and walked passed him into the building.

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