Part 20

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Ugh, my head felt like it was exploding into a thousand million pieces. The sun shining through the window wasn't helping my case either. I slowly sat up, fighting through the dizziness, and went to close the curtains. I looked at the alarm clock and it read 9:00. Shit no no no. I was late. I was fucking, freaking late. Still dizzy with a headache, I took a five minute shower, dressed in a blazer and dress pants, put my hair in a pony tail, and sped out the house. I didn't eat breakfast nor take a pill for my killer headache. Ugh, drinking might not have been the best thing to do yesterday. I got in my car as quickly as I could and raced toward New York City.

As I drove, a thought came across my mind. How did I get home? The last thing I remember was falling asleep on Holly's shoulder. How did they know where I lived? Huh. And as I recall, Nathan shoved me into an elevator without any possible explanation and almost gave me a concussion. And my father slapped me across the face. He never did that. Ever. And Nate...kissed me. Oh god.

What the hell was wrong with me yesterday. I can't shake those thoughts out of my head. With all that hard thinking, I hadn't realized I was at work. I knew the first thing I was going to do when I got inside. I was going to go yell at Nate and then at Nathan. I quickly parked my car. I looked at my watch and it read 9:35. An hour and 35 minutes late for work. I entered the lobby practically running. I saw Isla at the reception and then I remembered. Oh shit. I have to work down here from now on. I slowly walked towards her and then she noticed me.

"Hey Blair, how are you doing", she asked. Something was off about her. She seemed awfully...normal? 

"Hey Isla. I am good. What about you", I asked trying to sound like I care. She then took a deep breath and turned away, thinking of whether she should talk.

"My boyfriend broke up with me", she said. Well who wouldn't want to break up with her. She is extremely pretty, but her talking is really annoying. 

"Oh, Isla. I'm really sorry but it's ok. You'll find the perfect man for you someday", I said smiling.

"Thank you for trying to cheer me up Blair", she smiled back. "Also, you are late for work".

"Yeah, I kind of drank last night and I don't remember what happened after I fell asleep. But I am here now so just mark me as tardy and I will get to work", I said, placing down my bag.

"I wish it were that simple but I can't do that", she said, writing something down on a paper.

"What do you mean you can't"

"Look, maybe you don't know, but this company has a policy against people who are late", she said.

"What is the policy", I asked a little confused.

"Anyone who shows up late has to go to the director of boards and explain to them why you were late".

"WHat. But being a little late is not a big deal", I whined.

"At this company it is", she said handing me a paper.

"What is this", I asked taking the paper.

"Just give that to Nathan before your explanation".

"NATHAN? He controls who is late?", I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, and try not to be scared. Everyone here is scared of him so they try to always come on time. Just relax and pray that he doesn't do anything rash"

"Rash? What do you mean?", I asked even more confused.

"In the past year, around twenty people have been fired for being late. Just pray that you are not going to be the twenty first one". I gulped. Fuck my life. I thanked Isla for informing me of this and went my way to the elevator. At least now I would have a chance to talk to him about yesterday. The paper Isla gave me were directions to his office. I would have to go to the 61st floor. 

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