Part 22

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It was 11:00 am.I was in the middle of writing a report when there was a knock on my door. "Come in", I yelled. I heard the door open and saw a girl a little shorter than me with blonde hair walk in. 

"Miss Hanes, my name is Serena Longs and I have been appointed to be your assistant by the director of boards". I get an assistant? Hmm, this job get more and more unusual everyday. 

"Hi, you can call me Blair. So where will your office be?"

"Umm, I am new so I don't really know", she said in this shy tone.

"Oh, well I would like it if you worked with me in here. I'll ask Nathan to bring you in a desk".

"Wait, Nathan? As in Nathan Barnett?", she asked.

"Yes, he appointed you right?"

"Oh my god, he still works here? I thought after what he did they would fire or kill him", she said, fear evident in her voice.

"Sorry what? Kill him? Are you okay?", I said coming closer to her.

"Yes, I just thought something bad happened to him thats all", she said relaxing a little. What the hell is this girl talking about.  Who would wanna fire or kill Nathan?

"What do you mean by kil-". I was cut off by the room door opening with a bang. We both jumped and looked at the direction of the door. It was Nathan. His face held anger.

"Gosh Nathan, you scared us", I said holding my chest. I walked over to my desk and sat down. Serena was sitting on the chair in front of me starring at Nathan with confusion. Nathan was starring at her with displeasure. 

"Nathan oh my god, I am so glad that you are alive", Serena said running up and hugging him. He didn't hug her back and instead slightly pushed her away from him. I was just starring at them. What were they talking about? Why would Nathan not be alive?

"Serena, why did you come back?", he asked.

"My landlord kicked me out. I had nowhere else to go. No one would give me a job and so I had no choice but to come back. I called Harvey and he said he had a position for me. He never talked about you still being here so I assumed you were dead. Please forgive me for coming back but you need to understand I had no choice". I felt so sorry for her. Whatever she went through in the past must have permanently scarred her. As I watched her sob, Nathan showed no emotion. 

"I'll give you the money. Just don't come back here", he said taking out his phone."How much do you need?"

"No, I already owe you my life. I will not take any money from you", she said.

"I don't want you here. Can't you see I am trying to protect you. If he sees you here-"

"I don't care if he sees me. He is going to have to deal with it. I loved you Nathan and I think I still do. I am not going to let him get in the way of us", she said smiling at him. What the fuck am I in the middle of? This girl loves Nathan? Guess they were together before some man got in the way.

"Well, you guys should catch up. I have work to do but Nathan, if you don't mind, can you get someone in here to put a desk for Serena. I would like her working in my room since she is my assistant", I said.

"No, she will work in my room. If you need anything from her, just come up and get it", he said coldly to me. His expression now completely changed. He wasn't talking to me sweetly like he did before. He gave me a cold shoulder and left with Serena behind him. But I thought he liked me? Did I even mean anything to him? I felt a little sad thinking about him.

As I was thinking about this, I got a call from the office phone. I picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello, this is Blair Hanes. How may I help you?"

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