Part 6

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It was another average day at work. Three days had passed since Harvey admitted his feelings to me. He hadn't approached me since then. I was too shy too. No one has ever said "I like you" to me. He liked me. He fuckin liked me. He avoided me and I avoided him. I didn't even see Nathan since we were in the elevator last time. Time had passed by so fast since I saw both of them. But why should I care. I continued the rest of the days. I had no friends, no recent projects, and everyone in the company ignores me(even Nate). It was Thursday and it was raining pretty hard. The city was dark and cloudy and the thunder wouldn't stop. It was four in the afternoon and many people were already leaving because it was rumored a storm was coming. I honestly didn't care. Me and a few associates were left and the atmosphere was gloomy. It was now eight. Everyone was literally gone. The rain was still pouring. There was no chance of me going out there. Gosh, why didn't I get out of here when I had the chance. It was now eleven. The rain fucking didn't stop. There were already warnings about floods. Shit. I hurried, got my stuff, and went into the elevator. I pressed the Lobby button and the doors closed and started to descend. I kept thinking about how I was going to go home in the rain when suddenly the doors opened to the 40th floor. I couldn't see anything but I could tell that someone entered. I don't think they noticed me there because it was too dark to see anything or anybody. The door elevator closed and we were silent in the elevator. The person took out their phone and started to call someone. "Hey, it's me. I'm headed toward you right now, but I don't think I will make it with the rain. Yea sorry. I'm gonna try but if I don't, I'll be at home ok. Thanks bye", he said as he ended the call. Oh my god. That's Nathan. Dang it, why do I always get stuck with him in the elevator. I guess this could be the right time to tell him I'm standing right behind him. I made a slight cough sound and he turned around pointing his phone light at me. His face had surprise written all over it. "What are you still doing here", he asked. "Well, I work here", I told him with a hint of attitude in my voice. "I don't ever want to see you here after hours. Do you understand me", he said in a dangerous tone. "Lets get one thing one straight Nathan. You don't control me. You-" BOOM! There was a loud sound and the elevator stopped moving. I stumbled back but he caught me in his arms. He then let me go and said,"listen to me. Do not stay after hours. I don't ever want you working here after eight. Do you understand me". Why doesn't he want me to stay after hours. "Why can't I stay after hours. Why are you guys restricting me from so much stuff here", I said in anger. "Lets just say a lot of weird things happen around here after hours", he said looking away. Weird things. Oh, he must be talking about how people make out around here. "Look Nathan, I know what goes around here. I don't care if people make out in front of me. I don't mind", I said to him. He immediately turned around to face me with shock. "What are you talking about? What do you mean people making out in front of you?", he asked. Well the day you guys gave me this job, I stayed here really late and when I was leaving, these two people barge in. They were making out, in my office. The guy yelled at me and told me to get out or he would fire me. So I got a cubicle and left the office. I mean I was kind of mad, but I got over it", I said. He looked at me with anger and held both my shoulders. "What did the guy look like", he asked almost shouting. Gosh why does he want to know about the guy. "Um, well I don't remember what he looked like but the girl kept saying his name was Dan or something", I said. As soon as I said the guys name, his face went a little pale and I could tell he gritted his teeth. "What, what's wrong", I asked a little more concerned. I even completely forgot we were stuck in an elevator together. I realized he was very close so I took a step back. He kept looking at me, well he was starring. He did that for a few minutes. He was about to say something when the power on the building came on and the elevator started moving. He then turned around and whispered something to himself. I was about to ask but the elevator doors opened. We walked out at the same time. I looked at the clock and it was now twelve fifteen. WTF! How long was I in the elevator? I looked outside and it was still raining. Damn, the streets water level was pretty high so it would be hard to drive my car. Nah, I have to give it a try. I was walking out when someone caught my arm. I turned to see Nathan. "Where are you going right now", he said to me. "Um, I'm going home. That's what normal people do", I said as I pulled my arm away from him. "Where do you live. I'll drive you", he said to me with a blank expression. He can't be serious, "For your information, I have a car. And I know how to drive it", I said to him as I opened the door to go outside. I went out and headed for the parking deck. He followed me and caught my arm again. "You can't drive in the rain. Just tell me where you live and I will drop you off ok", he said with a little concern in his eyes. "Ok, but what about my car", I asked. "I'll send a driver to pick you up in the morning". I agreed to his terms and followed him to his car. It was the new model Mercedes. Well, yea I guess he is rich. I went into the car and sat in the passenger seat. He got in too.

"So what's your address?", he asked.

"I live twenty minutes from here"

"Ok where?"

"I live in the Flatiron District"

"I live near there too", he said and started to drive. Well, this is gonna be awkward.

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