Part 7

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The ride was is in complete silence. None of us said a word. I could sometimes feel his gaze on me but when I turned to face him, he would face the road. We finally arrived in the Flatiron District. He the started talking.

"So what apartment building do you live in?"

"Oh, well I don't live in this area", I answered, looking at him.

"Well, which part do you live in?", he asked now looking at me.

"If you make a turn at this street, and keep right, you will come across a neighborhood. Go that way", I said as I told him the directions. He did as I said and we got to where the neighborhoods were.

"Which house is it?"

"Go through that neighborhood", I said as I pointed at my neighborhood..

"I can't go there. That's where all the high class live and you are no high class", he said. I couldn't believe this guy.

"Look Nathan, I'll get out right now if you don't want to enter", I said as I started getting out of the car. he then locked the doors and drove in. He kept driving until we arrived at my house.

"So you live here with your parents?", he asked as I gathered my stuff.

"No, I live here myself. Why do you keep asking?", I asked in an annoyed expression

"I didn't know you came from a rich background".

"Yeah, I don't really like people knowing I come from a rich background. Just because my father is a well-known businessman doesn't mean I want to be the center of attention", I said as I opened the door. I came out and for some reason he did too.

"What are you doing?", I asked confused

"Tomorrow, my driver is busy so he will drive you to my house and I'll take you to work from there. Do you understand?", he said in a serious tone.

"You don't need to go through all that trouble. I'll take a cab. Don't wor-", he cut me midsentence.

"You will not under any circumstances take a cab. Tomorrow my driver will come so be ready", he said that and got in his car. As he got in, I whispered a silent thank you and watched him leave. I got in my house and went straight to sleep.

Next Morning...

I was outside waiting for Nathan's driver. It was 7 a.m and the driver was still not here. The day was windy and I was starting to get cold. After 20 minutes of waiting, the driver finally arrived. I quickly got in and he drove me to Nathan's. Turns out Nathan lives in an apartment. I thanked the driver and went to the elevator. I pressed the top floor and it led me to a penthouse. A penthouse. Dang it, I must be on the wrong floor. I stepped out to see if anyone was there but there wasn't anybody. I turned around to go back in the elevator when someone put their arms around my waist. I turned around and I was shocked to see Harvey smirking at me.

"Good morning darling", he said into my ear. I broke away from his grip and looked at him.

"Hey Harvey, I haven't seen you around lately".

"Oh did you miss me? Sorry love, I wasn't in town but I'm here now. And why are you here", he asked in a questioning voice. As I was about to answer, Nathan interrupted.

"I'm driving her to work today", Nathan said starring at Harvey. There was a towel around his head so he must have just got out of the shower.

"Oh are you now?", Harvey questioned starring back at Nathan. I couldn't understand what was going on but I could tell there was some tension between them. I looked around the penthouse and noticed how beautiful it was. The living room was an open concept design and there were two floors. As I was admiring the place, Harvey came and put his arm around my waist.

"Well Nathan, I don't want Blair to be a burden on you so I'll drive her to work", Harvey said smiling at me.

"Whatever, do what you want", Nathan said as he ascended up the stairs.

Harvey then took my hand and led me to the elevator. As he dragged me in the elevator, I looked back to see Nathan looking at me with anger in his eyes. The doors then closed and we started to go down. "So, is there anything going on with you and Nathan?", Harvey asked out of nowhere. "Um, no. He just dropped me home yesterday. That's all", I answered.

"He dropped you home yesterday? Why?", he asked raising one of his eyebrows.

"Well he didn't want me to drive in the rain so he offered to drive me home".

"He offered? And you accepted?", he asked with a little anger in his voice.

"I mean yeah, what the big deal Harvey?"

Out of nowhere, he pushed me to the wall. There was barely any space between us and we were both starring into each others eyes. "I don't want you to hangout with Nathan anymore", he said, whispering in my ear. His breath sent shivers down my spine. I blushed and then he quickly put his lips on mine. The kiss was slow and lasted about five seconds. He them let go of me and at that moment, the elevator doors opened. I was unable to move, but he took my hand and led me out. He kissed me. He freaking kissed me. I was in shock because that was my first kiss. He led me to his BMW and I sat in the passenger seat. We silently drove to work. He kissed me.

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