"Do you know if this biology class?"

I turn to face the red headed girl I had sat next to. The red headed girl was dressed in a light green sundress despite the weather getting colder. Pamela was staring out the window, longing to be outside when she heard someone talking to her.


"Doesn't look much like one."

"Tell me about it, How are we supposed to learn about the nature when all they have here are chemicals and those metal tools."

I didn't really know what she was talking about so I just nod. Pulling out my biology book as class started.

"Imagine, how many trees did they kill to make these books that tell us what nature is supposed to be like? Why don't they just take us outside and teach us ourselves!"

"Uhh.....I don't know."

"Exactly! It's not that cold out, we should be outside not crammed in this little classroom. "

I nod, completely lost at her ranting.

"Allow me to introduce myself, Pam Isley. Considering we haven't met I assume your the new girl Sel was yapping about this morning, Harley?"


"Well Harles, seems like you've made quite a name for yourself."

"It's Harleen. What do you mean?"

"Walton? Diego? Everyone's been talking about how you stuck up to them."


Pamela turned back around, to find Walton staring directly back at her. A cold chill ran through her spin as her emerald eyes locked with his. Pamela turned back to Harleen. Her voice had got quiet, as she switched the topic.

"Anyways you want to sit with me and Sel at lunch today?"

My smile widen, now I wouldn't have to be the odd one out looking for a lunch table.

~Minutes Later~

The Bell Ring's signaling the end of Biology class.

"See you later Red."

Geez, Red knew everything about biology, she was like obsessed over the simplest detail. She even corrected the teacher on how to say chrysanthemum. Lucky for me I got her as my lab partner for the next few weeks. We have to grow and observe a tree, seems simple enough. Out of the corner of my eye I see a sign that says Floor C.

"Wait a minute...."

I mumble to myself, looking down at my schedule. Wasn't I supposed to be on Floor A? How am I by the language classe- The floor begins to shake, causing me to look up from my paper.
A loud explosion comes from the other end of the hallway. My eyes widen seeing a thick green smoke spreading across the hallway. I began to cough as the smoke swirled around me, my line of sight depleting.


I hear some teacher's voice yell, echoing down the hallways of Gotham High. A force collides with me, sending me back into the door.


A hand is pressed up against my lips, muffling any attempt I had to speak.

"Quiet Doll."

The deep voice pulls me in, as I find myself instantly obeying his command. A tall dark silhouette looms over me, holding a tight grip on my arm. The only trait I could make out were his eyes. A deep emerald green, the kind that seem to be filled with many unspoken promises. I find myself breathless gazing into them. Realizing he was talking to me, I nod slightly.

As smoke clears the realization comes over me. We were in a new location, The janitors closet. I didn't even notice he had opened the door. Pinned up against the wall, my heart was beating rapidly from adrenaline, the excitement, the thrill. The loud thud of footsteps went pass the door.

"Sorry about that sweetie."

He had still not let go, my eyes lost in his as he spoke. I felt myself on edge, waiting for him to speak up again, make a movement, something. This all felt like a loose dream, the world itself unreal. His hand stroked a piece of my hair before he let go.

"But Princi here, isn't one for my jokes."


"Yeah, it's just a simple chemical compound, it turns the air green. Now tell me, What's your name dearie?"

"H-Harleen....Harleen Quinzel."

"Well Harley,"

I felt like I was holding my breath as he spoke. My thoughts lingered on every word. Spoken with such pride, confidence. Never did I correct him on my name. The thought never even crossed my mind. The way he spoke the name Harley, it was almost poetic, as if the name itself was unique and special.

"it was nice running into you."

He chuckled at his own joke, running his hand though his luxurious green hair. The boy turned around, starting for the door. I found myself frozen, unable to move as I just watched him. I had to speak up, say something before he was gone.

"Wait.......What's your name?"

My voice was quiet for I barely manage to even choke out those words. He turned back towards me with a smile on his face.

"Jack Napier."

Jack Napier? Where have I heard that before? Did Eddie say something about him? I don't remember him saying anything about a boy with beautiful green eyes. For some reason I couldn't remember where I have heard that name.

"See you around Harley."

Jack's voice was just like his smile, so smooth, calm, confident but not strict. After glancing back at me, he closed the closet door behind him. A small smile appeared on my face as I lean back against the wall, letting out a sigh.


(( A/N: I hope you like Harleen's encounter with J. Any ideas who Harley will meet next. Wait until you see what I have planned for this story. I'm surprised I have actually stuck with this story. So like Whoa. -Ę ) )

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