Disney, Diaries and Delusions

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Dear Journal, Yesterday was the start of SPIRIT WEEK at Gotham High! I am so excited. Spirit week is the most fun week in all of school. You get to dress up fun for a whole week and it leads up to HOMECOMING!!!! Guess Gotham is really the place for me because I have a HOMECOMING DATE! Yay!

Okay Harleen, wait my journal is supposed to be for psychoanalysis of high school not teenage girl talk...however, relationships are a part of high school so this entry is totally justified.

The best part is my homecoming date is the most handsome, most amazing boy in the whole school. Jack Napier! I am sure he loves spirit week, he loves anything fun. Sure, he did not totally go for pajama day yesterday but he'll definitely do Disney day today! I am sure of it. He's so fun, I love him. I wonder if we should have coordinated Disney Characters for today. Oh shoot! I should have asked.Okay so Gotham High Important Dates to not confuse are:

Monday: Pajama Day -Done
Tuesday: Disney Day
Wednesday: Hawaii Day
Thursday: Throwback
Friday: Gotham Knight's Pride Wear Day.
-Homecoming Football Game and Parade included on this day.

Even better news is that my best friend Pamela is okay. Halloween had her pretty shaken up for 24 hours, but once she was aware enough to find out she was in the hospital. Pamela instantly insisted on being level headed and ready to leave. My guess is she will probably be back in school today, campaigning for Homecoming queen. Except she does not really have to campaign much. Most of us are going to vote for her anyways I think. I mean she's been through alot this past week, which lead to her resignation as President of Gotham High. It is only fair that she gains some joy out of being homecoming queen.

Today my costume was simple yet brilliant. The only character that I could possibly be. Alice, based off the Disney movie Alice in Wonderland. I know most blondes would go toward Cinderella or sleeping beauty, but I wanted to surprise MisTah J on being different. He always seems happy when I surprise him. Maybe it's because he himself is full of surprises. Yesterday after pajama day he took me on a date to a gun range! I have never been there before but I guess he must be a republican. That's not too bad right? Sure, I felt a little silly learning how to use a gun in my pajamas but he insisted we go on the date. He gets a little disappointed and mad when I decline. Nonetheless I was happy I chose to go. He amazed me once again. I wonder if his dad was a hunter because Jack's marksmanship was brilliant, it even won us a prize. I am pretty sure it was a prize, because when Jack left to pay the guy for our experience. He came back with two guns on the house. I knew it was not really on the house. Who gives out free guns? No, Jack must have won them or paid the man to get me my own pistol so we could come back. The red and black pistol had his nickname for me 'harley' engraved on the side. Ah red and black, my two favorite colors. He is so thoughtful.


My alarm goes off, making me cease writing. I had 5 minutes until the bus came! Oh no! I throw my journal back into my bag, racing to finish my costume. I had to look like Alice exactly or else I would just appear to be a blonde girl in a blue dress.


By lunchtime our school looked like its own version Disneyland, I guess Gothamites really must love their costumes. I sit down at the table with Eddie and Jonathan, or should I say Grumpy and ah Scarecrow?

After a second at staring at Jonathan with my head tilted to the side Jonathan gave me a nudge. "Harleen, is something wrong?"

"Ehhh.." I tap my chin, trying hard to figure out who he was supposed to be. I knew almost every Disney character, why was this so hard. After a second, I give up. "Johnny who are you supposed to be?" I ask sitting down beside him.

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