"These temperature gauges are rising." Cleaves said as Rose approached. "Jennifer and Rory must have shut off the underground cooling vents."

"Why do that?" Dicken said. "They'll kill us."

"There's a million gallons of boiling acid under out feet..." Cleaves trailed off.

"And now it's heating up the whole island." The ganger doctor finished. "How long till it blows?

Just as he said it, an explosion went off and the whole island seemed to rock with it.

"Gangers or no gangers," Dicken began. "We need to get the hell out of here."

"Shuttle!" Cleaves called into the intercom. "We need evac. Where are you? Can you...?" She winced and put down the com, placing a hand on her forehead as she scrunched her eyes in pain.

"Are you alright?" Rose asked, feeling concern for the older woman.

"Cleaves?" The ganger Doctor asked as he walked up to her. "Cleaves, sit down." He helped her sit down on a chair.

"I'm fine." Cleaves waved them off with her free hand. "I'm waiting for results, so let it go."

"It's a very deep parietal clot." The ganger Doctor told her.

"Inoperable?" Cleaves looked up at him.

"On Earth, yes." He nodded.

"Well, seeing as Earth is all that's on..." She trailed off, looking between him and Rose. "Offer... hmm. I'm no healthy spring chicken, and you're no weatherman. Right?"

"Not exactly." Rose began, sharing a smile with the Doctor, when another quake hit them.

"Something just cracked!" Amy called out. "I heard it."

"Yeah," The Doctor shared a quick look with Rose. "We can't stay here, let's go."

"Let's shift!" Jimmy called out and they all began moving towards the door except for Cleaves, who had picked up the com again.

"Cleaves to shuttle." She spoke into it. "We need to move, and we can't be collected from the evac tower."

"Give us the codeword." The man over the radio responded.

"The codeword is..." Cleaves began but another quake hit and the console went up in sparks. She threw the com down and run around the monitor to type in the codeword instead but it was dead.

"Cleaves?" The Doctor called before running over to her. "Cleaves, it's dead, it's dead." He grabbed hold on her and started to drag her towards the door. "We need to get out of here. We need to get back downstairs and get those vents back on, come on."


They headed down a hallway, the Doctor kept just behind Cleaves with Amy and Rose just behind him. Jimmy and Dicken were supporting Jennifer in the back.

There were eyes following their every move, placed there not by mistake, the Doctor concluded.

"Ah." He said and stopped. "The eyes have it."

"Who put them here?" Rose asked while Amy just stared silently back at them.

"One of the gangers, I suppose." He responded, reaching his hand out to take hold of hers.

"But... why?" She gripped his hand tighter.

"To accuse... us," He answered slowly.

"Ignore them." Cleaves' voice broke through. "It's not far."

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