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~gender day~

Dr. Snow was true to her word, finding my pack a doctor. Her name is Olivia, she prefers to not use the doctor title. Anyway, Phil and I are down in the doctor's wing for the ultrasound where we get to see the genders of our triplets. As the doctor was setting up I asked, "Is it possible fore one of the babies to not possess the wolf gene?" "Well, of coarse, I mean Phil isn't a wolf so there is always the chance. But no matter what they are being born into a pack, a big family. If they're human it won't matter, no one is going to pick on them." Olivia assured. I nodded and we carried on with the appointment. Olivia smeared this blue gel stuff on Phil's swollen belly. Phil flinched at the feeling. I just smoothed my thumb over his hand to comfort him Soon an image popped up. "So here is the first baby. It looks like this one is a boy. Here is his head and his little face." She moved the wand again saying, "Here's the second baby and it seems to be a little girl," showing us the head and face again, "Now let's find this third little guy." moving the wand once more. The third baby popped up on the screen. "And here's the third and it's a baby boy." Olivia said again showing us the head and face. I was proud. We are going to be good parents and good leaders. 


Each time Olivia found a baby and showed us their head, face, and hands, and giving us the gender I could feel my heart grow in size. I also managed to sneak glances at Dan. He had this huge smile on his face, I could tell he was filled with pride. I'm happy. I'm going to be having two baby boys and a baby girl. Our parents are excited to be grandparents. My mom ended up moving in with the pack and she was welcomed with open arms which made me extremely happy. Her and Lily have become best friends and already beginning to gather things to spoil the babies. Dan and I are going to have our hands full in more ways than one.  

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