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"Wow." was all that left a panting Phil. We were cuddling under the sheet and just breathing heavily. I chuckled, "What, you didn't think I'd be good?" "I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did." he admitted. I pulled him more to me saying, "You enjoyed it so much because it was something you wanted to do. You weren't forced into it." He just tiredly giggled. Kissing the top of his head I said, "Just get some sleep and we'll head out tomorrow." He hummed in response and snuggled into me. 


I woke up in bed all by myself. Please don't let last night be a dream. I went to get up and realized I was still naked so i threw on some underwear and a t-shirt before heading to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I brought my head back up from washing my face I found a black rose with a red wolf in the center of it tattooed on my neck. I ran my fingers over it, amazed by it. I didn't think the actual mating mark could be seen. It's pretty though. I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to see Dan making breakfast in just a pair of boxers. I went up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Morning. Go sit down and I'll give you some breakfast." Dan said. I hummed in response and sat down at the breakfast bar. He put a plate of eggs, bacon and toast down in front of me and got one for himself. "You ready to go back today?" Dan asked me. I nodded and he said, "We are going to have to walk to the motel I am staying at and then we can take my car from there." I nodded and finished eating my breakfast and texted the owner of the bar that I was quitting to go home because I'm tired of the drunks hitting on me and I told him about the incident that happened outside the bar last night. He understood and let me leave. After eating, I packed up my belongs, mostly clothes because my mom still owns this house. Dan and I got dressed and we made our way back to his car. Everything seems right for once. 

The Lone Wolf (Phan AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu