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In these past weeks I've been raped and beaten relentlessly. All I really want id for Dan to hold me until I sleep so I know I'm safe. I'm terrified. My mum is probably a mess right now. God, I'm a mess. This feels like cheating and I can't do anything about it. I feel terrible. Dan, please come and find me. I wished closing my eyes to keep me from the disgusting environment around me. 

                                               Rogue pack at the edge of the forest where there is a fallen tree by the entrance of the cave.  The mark is working Dan! 

After finding nothing this morning I was exhausted and upset so I took a nap. Waking up to this is a relief. I left my room and went back to the office where Felix was sitting on top of the map. "You know where he is too, don't you Felix." I said walking up to the desk petting his head. I looked down to see Felix was sitting on the exact location. I marked it with an X and headed out. Felix of course following me. "Daniel, where are you going?" Ash called as I made it outside. I responded with, "I found Phil." as Ash grabbed his wide and the three of us left. Kitty would probably want to come along, however I don't need Jake to screw everything up by calling shots. Shifting we headed tot he rogue's that destroyed our pack. 

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