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 I was sitting in a Starbucks innocently drinking my coffee when I heard a familiar voice say, "Wow, look at you." looking in up I see a head full of familiar brown hair and those gorgeous familiar brown eyes and kissable lips. "Dan, what are you doing here?" I asked standing up looking in his eyes. He gave me a small smile saying, "I came to find you because Phil the truth is that I try to imagine myself without you and I can't. You make me a stronger person. Who cares what my father thinks. My mother told me to follow my heart and it led me to you." "God, you're so cheesy." I giggled. He smirked and pulled me into him kissing my forehead and then my......

I sat up in my dark room and noticed my clock. It was only a dream. I wonder if Dan is even looking for me. I have work in an hour. Time to suit up. I got ready for my job. For a guy like me I am actually doing good working as a bar tender. I don't drink really and the owners know i bring in customers. But i only bring in the customers who hit on me so the owners gave me a uniform. Dress shirt, vest, dress pants, with a bowtie or tie. I reached for my phone noticing I have a  message. it's from a blocked number.  Wait it's from Dan. he's called so many times but I've been to afraid to answer. i should listen to this before I go to work. Picking up my phone I opened the voice mail and placed it to my ear. 

                                       "Hey, Phil. It's Dan. I know it's been a long time since I last saw you. I know I've called you loads but never actually given you a voice mail. Truth is, I'm afraid. Afraid that may be you are living a better life without me. I mean you are human after all. I would really like to see you or hear your voice again Phil. I've been looking everywhere for you Sweetheart. RAWR. It means I love you in dinosaur."

I think my heart stopped. Dan actually said he loved me. I quickly wiped my eyes and headed to work. The faster I get done the quicker I can call Dan back. 

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