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I woke up to something licking my nose and the strong scent of my mate. I opened my eyes to find Felix looking at me curiously and in pain. I went to move and a groan escaped my mouth. Felix let out a small meow. I adjusted a bit more to my setting realizing I'm in someone's room and on a bed that has blue and green sheets on it. Please tell me I'm not in Phil's room. This would be awkward and make me feel bad. "Dan, how are you feeling?" Phil asked. I said, "In pain. Are you okay?" He was silent before I felt someone messing with my wounds. "I knew something was up with you..... I could sense it. I didn't know what it was until I saw you lying unconscious at my feet. So you're a were-wolf?" Phil said calmly and casually. I stuttered, "Uh, erm, yeah." "Who were those other wolves and what did they want?" Phil asked moving Felix on to his stomach as he laid down next to me looking at the ceiling. "They're called rogues. They're wolves evicted from a pack. They wanted to kill you or use you to draw me out and kill me." I explained looking at him. Phil nodded before saying, "Why would they use me to get to you?" "If I tell you, you have to not freak out." I warned. He nodded and I continued, "The moon goddess splits the soul of one person into two. They spend their entire lives finding each other, sometimes they die without ever finding one another. With wolves, it's a binding contract. Without a mate we could go crazy and become a rogue or die. You're my mate. Discovered it this morning when you walked into History." "So is that why your wolf has black fur and blue eyes? It reflects the soul of your mate?" He tried to overthink it. I shrugged, "I guess. I've never thought about that." He then asked as weird question, "Why isn't your hair red like it was dyed this morning because it's surely not dyed now?" "When in wolf form it take out the chemicals in my "fur" so when I shift back it goes to it's original color." I said laughing a bit. He turned towards me staring into my eyes with his bright blue ones. "Oh. You know, you're not as scary this way." he said reaching over and brushing my fringe out of my face. He kept brushing my hair back for a while until we heard a door unlock. Phil sat up fast saying, "That's my mum. Come on." helping me up. Werewolves heal fast,but not right way. I followed Phil into the lounge where his mum, i'm assuming, was setting down her purse and taking off her heels. "Hey, mum. This is my friend, Dan. He...uh... fell in the woods and I found him bleeding and lying unconscious so I brought him home to help him get better." Phil explained to his mum. She looked up and said, "Nice to meet you Dan." I smiled and nodded before asking, "May I borrow your phone? I need to call my friend. I've been gone from the house for a while." "Of course." Mrs. Lester said handing me the house phone. I walked back to Phil's room as I dialed Kitty, so his mum doesn't hear me. 

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