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"So who does Dan think "took" Phil?" Jake asked. I said, "Rogues." "What type of rogues?" He pushed. I said, "The same ones who attacked our pack." "Then why the hell go after them? He's just going to piss them off and cause them to actually kill us all. Phil's better off dead." Jake said. I said, "Because Dan would risk anything for his mate. Unlike you. I think if  I got kidnapped you wouldn't want to find me. Dan would be the one to find me." getting up. Jake is different. Since he found out Dan is the Alpha, he's acted like a complete dick and I have no clue as to why.  It's getting annoying. He thinks he should be Alpha instead of Beta. I mean that argument he picked with Dan over Phil  who is Dan's mate and the future  Luna. I mean come on how stupid can you be to pick a fight with an Alpha trying to recover their stolen mate. 

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