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I had gotten all my work done and took Felix outside into the forest so I could take pictures and he could get some fresh air. Before it only came from a balcony if I held him. We were a pretty good distance into the forest when i started taking Polaroid pictures. Taking pictures of Felix, the plants and trees, my shoes, my hands and my head/face. 


We've been here a while, the sun is going to set. 

"Felix, it's time to go." I called looking around for my fluffy kitten, but I don't see him. Oh no! "Felix." "Felix!" I began calling, walking further into the forest. All the sudden I was surrounded by these gray, brown, and blonde wolves. All snarling at me. I gulped, but still took some pictures. They came closer growling. 

The Lone Wolf (Phan AU)Where stories live. Discover now