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Dan and I are walking back to his house and he's really quiet and depressed. "You don't really like Jake, do you?" I said looking at Dan's sad face. Dan sighed saying, "It's not that I don't like Jake. I just don't like the fact that Jake brings a hope of parts of my pack surviving." "Why isn't that a good thing? Your family could be alive." I said. Dan replied kinda harshly, "That's the problem Phil. My parents aren't alive. I know because I watched rogues tear my mother to shreds and before I left the pack lines I watched a rogue tear out my father's throat. " and stormed off. He was gone from my sight within minutes. "I'm sorry." I whispered hugging Felix to my chest. I was in part of the forest past Dan's house, so I'm kinda lost. Please let me get out of here okay. "Hey kid, what are you doing so deep in the woods by your lonesome." a man said. he was scary looking, tall with wild eyes and scars over his face. In fact this guy and his friends all had wild eyes. They must be rogues. "Smell that Aaron?" one guy said. The man, whom I'm going to assume is Aaron, said, "Yeah, it's the beginning of a mark. In fact, it's the scent of an Alpha. The Alpha of the lone wolf society. Young Daniel has a way with picking out cute mates." His hand touched my face and  I gulped. Felix let out a low meow growl hiss thing and jumped from my arms disappearing.  No, Felix please come back. "Let's say we teach young Daniel a lesson." Aaron said slamming his fist down on top of my head. 

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