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"Hey, Phil so I'm just going to do some routine check ups." Dr. Snow said. I whispered, "I might have an idea of what's going on." "I think we're thinking the same thing, but let me double check. " She said. I only nodded and let her do what she needed to do.


Dr. Snow finished the last of her check ups and smiled. "So am I pregnant?" I whispered. Dr. Snow said, "Yes, I believe you are." 

"Then why am I so tied and not hungry?"

"I've never seen this happen before with a pregnant human mate. It might be because your triplets are taking so much energy out of you and you wont eat because you don't want the morning sickness." 

"Okay, .....wait.... backup, did you say triplets?"

"I did, the Moon Goddess spoke to me letting me know before I came here what to be cautious of. Taking care of three babies takes a lot of energy out of the parent carrying them. Phil."

"Okay, when we tell Dan are we telling him the number?" 

"I would. We don't know the genders yet, we still have to wait." 

"Do you know of any doctors who can come to this pack? I feel bad for making you drive so far away from your own pack to check on me." 

"I'll look into it. But Phil, I don't mind really. This is a beautiful case. I'll make sure I am here for the birthing process, I promise."

"Okay." I  smiled. "Why don't we get Daniel in here." She said. I nodded and grabbed my phone to text him. 

The Lone Wolf (Phan AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant