Harry's POV

I hated smoking. I absolutely despised the little addictive cancer sticks and even more, I hated the nasty smell that it carried around. It was one of mankind's worst habits and as much as I hated it, I was on my break, outside next to the trashcans, with a lit cigarette dangling on my lips and a warm breeze hitting my face.

Before Babylon, I only ever had a handful of cigarettes. I was a teenager, at the time, and every 'cool kid' was smoking. I never felt like I was cool enough to do so, nor was I dorky enough to turn my head at the death stick, so in between the self-inflicted pressure on myself and a stupid teenage trend, I tried smoking. Even as a teen, I hated those so much. The taste was disgusting, my throat was sore and I was pretty sure I wasn't even inhaling it properly.

Now, as an adult and a musician, I wanted to stray away from that nasty habit, even though I wouldn't consider it a habit for myself. I tried my first cigarette during 9th grade and stopped a couple weeks later because I didn't get what all the fuss was about. Years later, after getting hired in this surprisingly stressful club, I sometimes needed a time off and managed to butt cigarettes from my work mates. In exchange, I'd get them drinks from the bar, even though none of us were technically allowed.

So here I was today, outside and alone after a busy day of getting the club ready. My boss was getting on my nerves and I didn't feel like dealing with that, so I decided to let out some steam with a cigarette.

Louis didn't know I smoked on rare occasions, and I didn't know whether he'd care or not. I knew I hated smoking and it was often a turn off for me, so I could only imagine what someone as sweet and adorable as Louis would think of this.

Speaking of, I was definitely starting to miss being around Lou all day. There was just something about him that made me go crazy! He's easily one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen, and don't even get me started on that incredible personality of his. Louis is-

"Hey, Harry!" A familiar irish voice spoke from behind me, interrupting my sweet thoughts, "I've been lookin' 'round for ya."

"I thought I told you I was coming out here," I commented, and took a drag from the almost burnt out cigarette, "What's the matter? Does someone need help with something?"

"Kind of, yeah," He said, "We've got a new guy today and he's pretty unexperienced. Don't know how he managed to get the job but Ed thinks he might've done a few favors to our boss...if you know what I mean."

"I'm fairly certain I do, Ni," I chuckled, "Alright then, who's the bloke?"

"He's on the bar waiting for you," He replied, "Will you take long?"

"No, I'm just going to finish this," I said, motioning to my cigarette, "I'll be in in a minute."

"Take your time, H," He smiled and walked back inside the club, leaving me all alone with my thoughts.

I sighed as I took the last drag and threw the cigarette butt on the floor, before stepping on it to put out the burn. I was about to walk back inside to teach the newbie a thing or two about working in the most popular gay club in Cheshire, when my phone started rining in my pocket. Thinking it was Louis, I quickly pulled it out and frowned when I saw a number I didn't recognize. Alas, I answered the call and placed the phone on my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke into the microphone.

"Good morning, am I speaking to Harry Styles?" An unfamiliar voice asked from the other side.

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