"Oh my God!"

"I'm kidding." He laughed.

"You better be."

I turned away from him and walked to the kitchen where I grabbed my things off the table and met him back by the door. We didn't speak as we left the house and headed for his car. I glanced in the backseat.

"Nice car seat."

"Thanks." He smiled. "Picked it out myself."

"It's nice. I love the blue color."

"Griffin likes it too."

"I'm glad he does. It looks like an expensive seat."

"It was."

I frowned. "Nick."

"It's not like I don't have the money for it."He rolled his eyes. "I wanted him to be safe and this one looks safer than the others. I'll pay the five hundred dollars. Plus it's worth it. It's a three in one."

"Well that's good. You wont need to buy another one."

"I got Chloe the same one, for when I have her. Only in pink by her request. Annabelle got a new booster seat too."

"You went on a shopping spree." I laughed.

"Pretty much." He smiled.

In almost ten minutes we were pulling into Veronique's driveway. Nick killed the engine and got out. I followed and made my way to the front door.

"Knock." He told me. I rolled my eyes and pushed open the door. "Saige!" He gasped. I giggled and walked into the house. "Even I don't just walk in. And I used to live here."

"She told me I could."

"But I have to knock?" I shrugged and continued into the house.

"I knew you were here." Veronique appeared from doorway of the kitchen with a smile on her face. "Nick, upstairs now. The girls are putting on a fashion show and were waiting for you to show up." Nick sighed behind me and slowly walked away. "Griffin is taking a nap in the guest bedroom. He has been playing all morning long and I figured he could use a nap."

"I'm hoping he wasn't a problem."

"Nonsense" She smiled and turned away, motioning for me to follow her into the kitchen. "He was a little angel. Are you sure he's Nicks?" She winked.

"I'm one hundred percent sure." I laughed.

"He must act like you then, because I don't remember Nick being so calm."

"He does act like me. Thankfully."

"Looks like Nick though. Poor boy." She shook her head and smiled.

Nick entered the room soon with Annabelle on his back and Chloe attached to his leg. "I think I'm missing a child." He laughed as he wobbled around.

"He's napping." Veronique told him. He rolled his eyes at her and left the room. "That man I swear." I laughed as a response and sat myself down at the table. "You guys want to stay for dinner?"

"I don't know. You'll have to ask Nick."

She turned around and narrowed her eyes. "What is he the boss in the relationship? Why do I need to ask him?"

"I'm not sure if he has something planned tonight or not."

"Oh. Nichols!" She yelled.

"You rang?" He asked peeking his head into the room.

"You staying for dinner?"

"What are you having?"

"Stuffed shells."

"Yum!" He smiled and looked at me. "If you want to we can."

"Sure." I said.

"Great!" She cheered. "Now go away." She waved Nick off and his stomped his feet out of the room. I giggled at him and turned my attention to Veronique as she got started on dinner.

* * *

An hour later she left me alone in the kitchen and returned with an awake Griffin, who smiled brightly upon seeing me in the room. It wasn't long before I had little arms wrapped around me and a wet face from his slobbery kisses. Nick entered the room with the girls following closely behind him. Griffin gave him a short hug, making Nick pout, before he joined his sisters at the little table Veronique had set up for the three youngsters. Dinner was served and after we spent the rest of the evening chatting with Veronique while Griffin played with his sisters. 

Griffin was tired and we could tell. So Nick and I decided it was time to call it a night and bring him home. He hugged both Annabelle and Chloe before he turned his attention to Veronique and thanked her for having him over. Veronique smiled and told him that he was welcomed there anytime. Annabelle walked her little brother out to the car while Nick hugged Chloe goodbye. With a final kiss on her head we walked out of the house. Annabelle was getting Griffin into his seat and it made me smile. Nick walked over and helped her buckle him up before he gave her a kiss and told her to get inside and ready for bed, since she had to go to school in the morning. She rolled her eyes at him and gave him a hug before she walked away and waved bye.

I closed the door to the back of the car and got into the front seat.

"Haven't even got on the road yet and he's already sleeping." Nick chuckled. I turned around and saw Griffin fast asleep in his car seat. I smiled.

"Well he played hard."

"I'm going to hate myself tonight."


"Because I'll need to wake him up for a bath."

"It can wait until tomorrow."

"You sure? He always gets a bath before bed."

"I'm sure. He's tired. Lets just get him home and into his pajamas."

"That's going to be hard. Don't you think?"

"Not at all. I've done it before."

He nodded his head and started up the car. With one last wave Veronique entered her house and closed the front door just as Nick started backing out of the driveway.

The Only One (Nick Groff Fanfic) [Sequel to MOaO]Where stories live. Discover now