The New Beginnings

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Farkle's POV
I sat in the hotel room alone thinking about what had just happened. What I had just seen Lucas do. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. "Come back later." I told what I thought was housekeeping. "Farkle please let me in." Asher's soft voice spoke from the other side of the door. "What?" I asked. "I need to talk to you." He told me, "please open the door." I walked over and unlocked the hotel room enterance. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked as if I didn't already know. "What you saw earlier... with me kissing Lucas... he didn't want me to. He pushed me off." "It doesn't matter Asher. I still saw. Do you know how hard it is to see the boy you love kissing someone else? It's the worst feeling in the world." "I can only imagine." He admitted sitting next to me and rubbing my shoulder, "but you should've heard him. Talking about how he'd never leave you like he left me; how he loves you too much." "He- he said he loves me?" I asked him. He nodded with a smile. "Well I have to find him!" I exclaimed. "If he's anything like the old Lucas i know exactly where he is." Asher told me and with his charming southern accent added, "I can show you the way if you like." I nodded and we walked out of the hotel room.

Matt's POV
"How do I look?" Erica asked stepping out of the closet. I paused with my eyes fixated on her. She looked at me weird. "What?" She asked with sass oozing from each letter. "It looks beautiful;" I told her, "you look beautiful." "Shut up Matt." She ordered, "Daniel can I have the truth please?" "Its a little fancy. Here, try this." He suggested, handing her a cropped red tank top and black shorts. "Thank you." She commended and went back to change.

Charlie's POV
I sat in my bed texting Smackle.
Charlie- hey cutie
Smackle- i prefer intelectual
Charlie- my apologies. hey intelectual cutie
Smackle- you just don't give up do you?
Charlie- nope. never.
Charlie- how is your project going?
Smackle- good. i'm doing most of the work, but we finished on time so that's good.
Charlie- can I see it?
Smackle- tomorrow.
Charlie- looking forward to it.
Just then there was a knock on the door. It couldn't be my parents. They were off on a cruise. "Who is it?" I asked. "Charlie I need you." The quivering voice begged from the door and immediately I knew who it was. I opened the door, looked at her tattered clothes and hugged her into my body. "Lindsey!"

Farkle's POV
"There he is" Asher told me pointing towards a brooding Lucas in the the corner booth. "Thanks. I got it from here." He nodded and let me go. "Wow, looks like you've had a rough day." I announced. "Farkle!" He cheered standing up. "Asher came by and told me everything. I'm sorry. I overreacted. Can you forgive me?" "No it's my fault. I should've told Asher about us earlier. I'm sorry." We hugged. "Im ready to get out of here." "Me too." He chuckled. He slung his arm around my shoulder and we left the restaurant.

Riley's POV
"Hey Riles." Zay greeted gently, entering the room. "What do you want?" I cried. "What you saw. It's not what happened." He tried, sitting next to me. "Zay last year you said that you loved her!" I argued, "that she was your true love! Am I supposed to pretend that that just didn't happen?" "No Riley but that was the past! Now it's you. It's just you Riley. I like you and only you." "So you feel nothing for her?" I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes. "No Riley, that was a long time ago." "Then why did it take you so long to get here?" "I was talking to your dad about something." "Was it for an extension on the project?"I asked, "I'm sorry we didn't finish that." "No, don't worry, I just finished it from our notes. I just had to ask him for permission to do something." "What?" I asked. "This." He told me, pulling out a bracelet, "Riley Matthews, if I've learned one thing about you since we met it's that you're a princess; and every princess deserves her happy ending. With spontaneous romantic gestures, magical moments and, most importantly, a price to give it to you. I'd like to be that prince Riley, you deserve the world and more so let me give it to you. Will you go out with me?"


A/N::: Real quick i know that the picture at the top has no relation to the chapter what so ever but it has symbolism like how the last "New Beginnings" chapter had Lucas and Zay because the book was being given from Lucas to Zay this one is Riley giving the book to Smackle(with Farkle in the background cuz he misses his book even tho this one was lowkey his too). I'm so sad that this book is over!!! Idk if the prologue for Damsel In Distress will be posted tomorrow or Wednesday but like usual it will fictionally start on the first Monday of the next lesson. Can you guys wait till next Monday for the first chapter or are you too impatient? Let me know below. I hope that you are getting excited to learn more about Charlie's and Isadora's families. I think I'm gonna add an extra chapter on this book about all of my music and tv obsessions to annoy you guys and post that tomorrow and I legit just came up with that idea while I was writing this(that's ADHD for you!) I might also include a few fun facts about myself so stay tuned and comment if you would actually wanna see that! Get excited for Damsel In Distress because the next two books are gonna have a whole lot of side stories that hopefully make some sense! Hope you liked it! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"If This Is Love" by Ruth B

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