The Hour

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Farkle's POV
I caught up with Zay after school. "Hey man!" He said. "Hey" i responded, "So, i don't really feel like sitting on Riley's fire escape for an hour while you help her with her homework plus I got work to do too so how about we meet up at the gym at like 5:30" "Ok I can get behind that." He agreed, "but 5:30 sharp. I'm gonna work you this time." "Ok" I agreed and walked up to Lucas. "Hey." I greeted. "Hey." He responded, "You ready?" He asked. I nodded harshly. I had never been more ready for anything. We walked to his house without making any physical contact what so ever. That all changed when we got inside. He pushed me on the wall and smashed his lips on mine. Taking off our shirts and escorting me into his room. He pushed me down onto the bed and flopped down so that his chest was up against mine. He put his hands on my cheeks and reconnected our lips. His hands trailed down my body as his lips sucked on my neck. Soon enough his hands were on my jeans. "Lu-Lucas i only have an hour." I told him looking at the screen of the phone closest to me. "That's ok." He assured me, letting his eyes meet mine, an hour is all I need."

Zay's POV
"Ok so can you just explain all of this to me?" Riley asked. "Why don't you just pay attention when the teacher explains it?" I asked her in response. "Because they're boring. When you explain it I understand it. You make me interested." "Oh, so I spark your interests?" I asked, she nodded, "do you find me enticing?" She began to close herself off and look at her knees. "Riley," i said, lifting her chin, "it's ok. I'm right here. No need to hide how you feel." She put her hand on my wrist and violently pulled me toward her, wrapping her fingers in my hair and connecting our lips. "Don't you have home work?" I asked, breaking our kiss. "I'll do it later." She said in one breath before rejoining our lips. I wrapped my hands around her waist and she wrapped her legs around me. I lifted her up and laid her back down on her bed. Climbing on top of her. "Zay?" She whispered faintly. "Do you wanna stop?" I asked, starting to get off of her. She shook her head abruptly and I returned to my original position.

Lucas's POV
"I'm so sorry, but I gotta go." Farkle told me as we were getting dressed, "I gotta meet Zay at 5:30. He'll kill me if I'm late." "Ok fine." I submitted breathlessly, " but we need to do this again sometime." "Definitely." He agreed before grabbing his shirt and heading out the door. I sighed once he left. I've never felt this much adrenaline in my life. It felt so good. Farkle made me feel so good. I wanted to go and tell the world. Write it in the sky. But I couldn't. I knew that when we started--whatever we're doing, but it's still really hard. I'm not complaining though. Farkle was definitely worth it. There was never any doubt in my mind of that being true. When I was with him I felt happier. He made me happier. I wouldn't trade my time with him for anything.

Farkle's POV
"Hey!" I greeted Sam. "Oh hi." He responded. "Is Zay here." "Sorry *wink* Donny, he's not here""All right I'll wait for him." "You do that *wink* Donny *wink*" I rolled my eyes at his winks. He was pretty alright but there definitely wasn't a lot of content there. Soon enough Zay had come into the lobby. "Hey sorry im late; Riley needed help with--um--stuff." He told me. I let my mind wander on that word "stuff" before heading to the locker room. "Farkle i want you to try my kind of workout, ok?" I panicked. "Umm sure?" I told him. He patted me on the back and brought me into the workout room. Somehow I actually somewhat succeeded at Zay's workout. I hurt like hell afterward but at least I did it so that's good.

A/N::: Hope you guys are liking it so far. Hella tired today! Honestly larkle is gonna get so much bigger you guys I promise! Love you all! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Dirty Laundry" by All Time Low

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