The Breakfast

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Zay's POV
We woke up and got dressed before heading into the kitchen. "Here you are hon." My mom greeted, handing me an off-brand granola bar, "it was like $2 cheaper!" She added. I took it and walked out the door with Farkle, "You want this?" I asked him once we got outside. He looked at me strangely for a moment before taking me up on my offer. "Race you to Riley's!" He exclaimed, running ahead. I ran after him. A block or so later I saw a cop stopping Farkle and I ran up to them. "What's your name?" The cop asked Farkle. Farkle looked tense as he responded, "umm Donny, Donny Barnes. Right Zay?" "That's right" i confirmed calmly. "Is this boy causing any trouble?" He asked gesturing toward me. "Umm no..." Farkle responded confused. "Just let me know if he does." I hadn't even noticed that my hands were going up, but apparently Farkle did. "Come on Zay, lets get away from that racist cop. He just doesn't understand how cool you are." He said right in front of the cop. It took everything in me to contain my laughter. "Nice job." I commended sincerely once we were passed him.

Farkle's POV
"I have never been more terrified in my life." I told him and he laughed. "I mean it. Im proud of you man." "It was unjust. All I did was call him out." I told him. He just shrugged. "Has anything like that ever happened before?" He nodded and I immediately saddened, "Im sorry man." "It's fine." He told me, but I knew it wasn't. Soon enough we reached Riley's fire escape "hello beautiful." Zay greeted. Riley giggled a hi in response. Lucas was staring at me. Our eyes made contact and I smiled, looking down at my feet; I could feel my cheeks getting red: really red. "Wait why are you so late Farkle?" Maya asked. "Oh he's staying with me for a few days." Zay told her before I could answer. She nodded and we headed to school.

Lucas's POV
I knew he was mine, but the thought of him staying with Zay still made me jealous. How was I going to see him now? Zay never let anyone over to his house. I needed to talk to Farkle.

Farkle's POV
I was headed to engineering when I felt a hand grip on my shirt and pull me around the corner. "Hey" his deep husky voice whispered. "Lu-Lucas, I-I have to get back to c-class." "This will be real quick." He told me. "Wh-what" "So you're staying with Zay?" I nodded, "You spend all your time with him?" "Well he tutors Riley from four to five but we have to be somewhere by 5:30." "I'll see you after school then." He let go of my shirt and walked away while I stood there through the bell, astounded by what had just happened.

Riley's POV
"Hey." I greeted, taking my seat next to Zay in human growth and development. "Hey." He replied. We sat through the class by making a bunch of  faces at each other that described how bored we were. The bell rang after what seemed like forever. "Ugh Spanish. Can you help me with all of that tonight?" I asked he gave me a nod. "See you in creative writing!" He told me walking out to his PE class. I headed to Spanish to catch up with Maya.

Maya's POV
"Hey." Riley greeted, taking the seat next to me. Our teacher was explaining direct object pronouns when I saw a folded up piece of paper hit my desk. "Do you think Zay and I would be cute together?" the lined paper read. "You will never pay attention in this class, will you?" "You're just bitter because you don't have anyone." That's what you think, I thought. "I like being alone." I wrote, "It let's me pay attention in class" "shut up." I turned school to the front and filled in all of the blanks. Finally our teacher told us to do our worksheets independently. "Do you understand any of this?" Riley asked. "Yeah," i told her, "and you would too if you hadn't been daydreaming the whole time." I put my earbuds in and ignored her. "Whatever," she sighed, "ill just ask Zay to explain it to me after school." I continued to ignore her and do my work.

Song-"I Need a Man" by Muddy Magnolias

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