The Jealousy Running Through Our Veins(Neww Addititon at the end)

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Farkle's POV
"And this is the baseball field that Zay and I would be playing on if we had stayed here in Texas." Lucas told us, concluding his tour. Just then a young boy came up. "Lucas Friar?" He spoke, "Why you're a sight for sore eyes." "Asher? Asher Garcia?" Lucas responded and the two shared a somewhat simple handshake. "The one and only." He said with a bow. I now remembered the boy from our seventh grade election. "Guys, this is Asher, he was a friend of ours back in Texas." "You're Riley, right? I believe we met online a few years ago. It's nice to finally see you without a screen." He kissed her hand, "and you must be Farkle?" He continued. "The one and only." I responded, mocking his bow, he chuckled with a soft lip bite before asking, "no maya this time?" "No she was busy." Riley said. "Where's Dylan?" Zay asked. "Oh he's inside giving tours. You guys should go in and surprise him. He'd love it." We all headed towards the door. Asher grabbed Lucas's forearm. "Wait." He spoke. Lucas did as told.

Lucas's POV
"How are you buddy?" Asher asked. "Good." I told him casually. "I've missed you dude." He said putting his hand over my shoulder, "and Zay too. But mostly you." He looked at me with that Asher look. The look that I was so drawn to in sixth grade; this was the look that make me fall for Asher in the first place. That look could convince a vampire go out in broad daylight with no protection. But I was a different person now. I wasn't the same out of control sex addict that I was then. Not unless I was with Farkle. "God I miss the old days, don't you miss being that, close?" Just then I saw Farkle looking at us. His face dropped and he ran away. "I have to go." I told Asher and ran after my Farkle.

Josh's POV
"What do you think?" I asked Jacob returning to my dorm with the dress. "Umm josh that's not really your color..." he began, "plus it'll make you look fat and, I hate to break it to you sweet heart, but you definitely don't have the boobs or legs for that dress; maybe more bananas?" I laughed at his sarcastic remarks. "For maya idiot." "Oh yeah, she'll look good in that." He thinks told me.

Zay's POV
"Oh my god!" I heard a voice say from behind me, "Zay, is that you?" "Oh hey Vanessa." I greeted, turning to see her. "It's been awhile." She said walking closer. "Yeah." I responded awkwardly. "I've missed you." Her hand brushed my forearm.

Riley's POV
I walked out of the bathroom to see Vanessa and Zay all over each other. I couldn't watch. Instead I just headed back into the bathroom and cried. I thought that Zay and I had something. I mean yeah, we weren't official but we weren't just fooling around, right?

Zay's POV
I'm sorry Vanessa, but if you're trying to hit on me I'm going to have to turn it down. I've changed a lot since I moved to New York, and, I found someone; someone I really like, and she likes me too, I can't really see myself with anyone else. Sorry Vanessa." "Awe" she cheered, "that's so cute!" She gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

Riley's POV
I gathered myself, wiped my tears and walked of the building. "Riley wait!" Zay shouted after me, but I just kept walking.

Lucas's POV
I followed Farkle into our hotel room before he finally acknowledged me. "Why was he touching you like that? Why would he think that you wanted him to touch you like that? Did you want him to touch you like that?" He screamed his questions, trying to hold back tears. "No of course not! I only want you to touch me like that!" "Then why was he touching you like that." "Because I lied." I admitted, "when I told you that Zay was the only guy I ever kissed. I also kissed Asher, many times. We had a thing before I left Texas." "Did you?" He asked, probably making his inference from the shame filled look on my face. "No," I told him, "but I came pretty close. I was a hot headed sex addict and apparently that was attractive. And Asher, he had this sort of James Dean charm that could make even Jack Frost's heart melt. We were just drawn to each other. When ever I felt to heated he would be the one to calm me down. He made me better. When I left for New York he convinced me that I could make a new start, but that I'd have to do it without him. So, that's what I did. I became the person I wanted to be; and it was all thanks to him." I told him. "Do you still have feelings for him?" He asked me. "No Farkle! That was years ago. It's just you." "Lucas, this is a lot for me," he said, "I need time."

A/N:::Sorry for posting without an author's note or song, I wss super out of it last night. Just wanted to say that if you don't remember Asher is a real character in the series in season one at the class election. I didn't make him up. I wrote these chapters because it's always bugged me how they never explained how we got from Lucas is the best to Lucas beat up a kid so i hope that I did that reason justice. Also I'm about to republish this whole book so you've been warned. Hope you liked it! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"I Don"t Wanna Know" by Weathers

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