The Arrival

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Lucas's POV
"Where have you two been?" Riley asked as Farkle and I returned to our seats. "Um I had to use the bathroom" I told her. Which wasn't totally false. "And u had to show him where the bathroom was." Farkle added. We were getting way to good at this lying thing, but then again, it's always good to have a partner in crime(especially one as cute as my Farkle). I grabbed his knee under the table and felt his body tense in excitement under my touch. I didn't know what was going to happen in Texas but I did know that Farkle would be there with me, and that was enough for me.

Farkle's POV
The plane landed and we woke up Zay before exiting the private jet. I breathed in the humid Texas air. It was refreshing. "Would you like a tour?" Zay asked. Riley and I nodded. The boys took us around the whole town, recalling bizarre stories from their pasts. It was probably the best tour I had ever been given. They were so full of light and happiness. This town wasn't much, but it seemed like the world to them. Texas really did make them happy.

Zay's POV
Soon enough the tour was over and I knew that Lucas was in for a shock as he knocked on his brother's door. Should I tell him before they answer? Or should I let David tell him? Yeah, David should tell him. That makes sense.

Lucas's POV
As the door opened I saw Zay's sister Kelsey holding a little baby boy. Why was she here? Were we at the wrong house? "Who is it honey?" A voice called; it seemed familiar but I couldn't place it. "Your brother!" She told the voice and soon enough David had joined her in the doorway. "Oh hey lukey boy!" He greeted, rubbing my hair, "are your friends here?" He pushed the door open wider to reveal all the people that had joined me. "Zay!" Kelsey shouted. As she pulled him in for a hug I saw a glittery ring on her finger. Wait, were they? Oh my god! Before I could say anything my brother grabbed my shoulder, "That your boyfriend?" He asked pointing at Farkle. "Maybe." I told him. "Does Zay know?" "No." He nodded, "secret's safe with me bro." He said pulling me in for a side hug. I smiled. It was good to be back.

Riley's POV
"Please come in." The young woman told us. "Who is she?" I whispered to Farkle. "Zay's sister." He told me. "And she married Lucas's brother?" "I don't think that they're married yet." "Is that kid hers?" I asked "I think so." And with that we headed inside.

Zay's POV
"Is that your girlfriend?" Kelsey asked excitedly, looking back at Riley. "I wish." I responded. "Why just a wish?" She asked again. "I don't know, it's kind of complicated." I explained. "Well I think she likes you." She told me. "What, why?" I asked. "Ok first of all girls don't fly to Texas with just anyone." She stated, "plus I can it in see the way she looks at you. That's a crush look." "Really." "Oh my goodness you're blushing this is so cute!" She squealed quietly as we entered the dining room.

Farkle's POV
"Y'all can sit anywhere you like and dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Lucas and Zay set the table, ok?" The two boys nodded and got to work. "David?" She added and the older man rushed into the kitchen; presumably to help her with dinner. "Can I do something?" I asked, walking up to the young woman. "Actually if you want to put a cup at each place the drinks in the middle of the table and get him in his high chair that would be great. If you want you can also just put his food on the little table thing there I would be forever in your debt." She responded. I did as requested and sat back in my seat. "Well aren't you a cutie." Riley greeted, starting to play with the baby next to her. Soon enough Zay and Lucas joined us. "I prefer ravishingly handsome hero, but I guess cutie works too." Zay announced, most likely as a late response to Riley's words to the baby. She rolled her eyes as Kelsey came to the table. "Is he yours?" Riley asked Zay's sister. "Ours, actually." David replied, kissing her cheek and taking the seat across from her.

Lucas's POV
They had a kid together? What was happening? How could he not have told me? How could he have this whole life that he just forgot to mention? "What's his name?" Riley asked as if everything was perfectly normal. "Lucas Isaiah Friar." Kelsey responded. Everyone awed, "thanks sis." Zay added. "Ok that's it!" I demanded, "what is happening? Why is everyone acting like everything is perfectly fine! Are we just going to pretend that you didn't leave me when I needed you most? Or forget that you have a son that you never told me about? I want answers and I want them now." "Um Lucas can we talk about this after dinner?" "No! I've waited two long years for an explanation and I'm going to get it! I'm not waiting any longer!" "Ok then," David submitted, "Come with me."

A/N::: What Friar family secrets will the next chapter uncover? Who knows? Oh wait that's right; I do! Book is either ending next Tuesday or next Friday and the prologue to book 3 will come out that Thursday or Sunday. I'll probably release the title of book 3 tomorrow and the cover will come out the day after. Make sure to check out book one: Homophobia if you haven't already. Hope you liked it! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Crush" by David Archuleta

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