The Explination

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Farkle's POV
Lucas followed his brother off as we all sat there in silence. "So should we eat or-" I started but was cut off by Riley. "What's he so upset about?" "Just some things that happened that he doesn't fully understand." Zay told us. "Which is?" Riley pried. "Riley-" Zay began to argue but was interrupted by his sister. "No it's ok Zay. They have a right to know." I lifted my head, interested in how this story would go. "Back in my junior year of high school I was a bit of a nerd. I had a pretty tight social group and let's just say that there was a reason that I was the only girl." She began, letting out a little laugh. I smiled, glad that she felt comfortable sharing this with us. "At this point Zay and Lucas were in fifth grade and they had become really close. Since my mom was always working I would have to take Zay to their house a lot. Well it turned out that David's grades were falling. His grades were falling so much that he wouldn't be able to play baseball if he didn't bring them up; he needed a tutor. Since I had straight A's, was on the honor role and already came by his house daily, I was the obvious choice. So, we started studying together everyday after practice. Soon enough we were studying at diners and ice cream shops to get away from the disturbance of our little brothers. Then, over the summer, our meetings became less of study dates and more of date dates. We'd take the boys out with us sometimes especially when we went some place special like a rodeo. We were closer and cuter than ever. However, Mrs. Friar was not too happy about our new-found cuteness."

Lucas's POV
"Lucas she threatened Kelsey." David told me. How was this possible, I could never see my mom doing that.

Riley's POV
"She threatened you?" I interrupted. "Yep, it was a few months into senior year one day when I was dropping off the boys from one of our outings and after David and Lucas had gotten safely inside Mrs. Friar came up to my car and said that she thought I was a bad influence on David, she told me that she had powerful connections and that if I didn't get my black ass away from her perfect son she'd make sure that I didn't get into any remotely good colleges. Now, this didn't mean that I could never see him again because Mrs. Friar knew that he still needed a tutor, she just told me that I couldn't see him romantically." "Did you tell David about the threat?" I interrupted again "Yes, he said that his mother couldn't keep us apart and that he was old enough to make his own choices and that he was going to tell his mom that when he got home. Neeedless to say that didn't go well."

Lucas's POV
"What happened?" I interjected. "She threw a mug at me and told me that no son of hers was allowed to date a negro girl like Kelsey. That was the day that we found out we were moving to New York. I told her that I wouldn't be joining you all. I was going to stay here with Kelsey. Mom told me that I was throwing away everything that I had worked so hard for and maybe I was, but it was worth it for Kelsey." "So you just left me? It was that easy for you?" I asked, he looked tired. "Haven't you put the pieces together Lucas? I stayed because Kelsey was pregnant. I was going to be a father Lucas! I had to leave our family behind in order to start my own. Lucas, I invited you here to extend an invitation to my wedding, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you over the phone, but I wanted to do it in person and I really thought that Zay would have told you all of this by now." He said and I began to boil with anger. "You mean all of this time, Zay knew everything? Every single thing? Why didn't he tell me?"

A/N::: The title of the third book in the lecture series is...drum roll please...Damsel In Distress! The Cover will be in the author's note of the next chapter and I'll be asking for your advice so please let me know your opinion on the question I ask tomorrow. Hope you liked it! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"War of Hearts" by Ruelle

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