The Departure

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Lucas's POV
I woke up to Farkle's arms around me. What a great way to start the day. I turned around and kissed his nose. He woke groggily and perked up at the sight of my face. At least I hope that was what it was. "You ready?" He asked, causing a smile to appear on my freshly woken face. "Definitely." I replied excitedly. "Good because Riley and Zay will be here soon." He told me, getting out of bed. "Ok well lets make them some breakfast." I decided. Farkle nodded and tossed me my clothes. "Get dressed first. Then meet me downstairs." He said pulling on his jeans and reaching for his shirt. Soon enough he was dressed and had left the room. I got dressed and followed him down. On the way out I checked the clock. It was only 6:55. Nevertheless I went downstairs to meet my Prince Charming.

Zay's POV
I woke up and grabbed my suitcase. The clock told me it was 7:10. I'd need to hurry if I wanted to make it there in 20 minutes. I walked into Kayla's room and gave her a quick kiss goodbye before saying farewell to my mom. "Bye mama." I kissed her cheeks and gave her a hug before picking my suitcase up again and walking out the door.

Riley's POV
I got up and headed into Auggie's room to say goodbye but he wasn't there. I walked into the living room to see him sitting on the couch. "Good morning!" He cheered his greeting. "What are you doing up so early?" I asked him. He smiled like an angel and replied, "I wanted to be awake when you left." I felt a smile tugging at my lips and a small tear of joy slid down my face as I gathered up my younger brother in a hug and kissed his cheek. "Yuck!" He exclaimed, rubbing his cheek with the back of his hand. "Think of it as something to remember me by." I told him. He let out a little huff adding, "you better bring back something better than a lousy kiss!" I laughed, grabbed my suitcase and exited the apartment making sure to close and lock the door on my way out. I checked my phone which told me that it was seven fifteen. I had fifteen minutes to get to Farkle's; that was plenty of time. This trip was going to be amazing. I could tell.

Farkle's POV
Lucas and I were almost done making breakfast when Riley came in. "Hey guys. Whatchya makin?" "Some breakfast." Lucas responded in her same bubbly tone. I see why they started dating. They are both quite bubbly people who knew how to blind themselves from the bad and stare into the good. As I was thinking about their relationship Zay walked in "hey man you ready?" He greeted toward Lucas. "Hell yeah man! I'm so excited to see David." "I will help you set the table." Riley suggested trying to get out from in between the boys' conversation. "This is gonna be what it's like all weekend, right?" She whispered to me. I nodded, "I believe so." I told her. She rolled her eyes and we set the table. "Oh wait let me help!" Lucas exclaimed immediately signaling for Zay to do the same. "But I don't want to." He complained. Lucas looked at him skeptically, "ok fine." He submitted. The two boys grabbed the rest of the silver wear and put it out and we all headed over to the makeshift buffet table. We ate and headed up to the roof to board our plane.

Lucas's POV
The first ten minutes of our flight made it seem like Riley and Zay would be flirting the whole time, but halfway through they were sound asleep. A few minutes after they had dozed off Farkle slid a napkin in front of me and left the table. Curiosity overcame me and I unfolded the napkin. On the inside it read, "meet me in the bathroom asap... -you know who." I was immediately filled with glee as I headed over to the bathroom in the back.

Riley's POV
Zay and I had fallen asleep at one point in the flight, but I was woken up again by loud banging sounds coming from the back of the plane. I saw that Lucas and Farkle weren't there. Maybe something was happening to them. I went to the back to investigate. As I neared the bathroom door I heard moans and various callings of Lucas or Farkle and my mouth opened wide. They were together! I cheered internally. If Farkle didn't tell me on his own then this must be a huge secret. I wouldn't be able to tell a soul; not even Zay.

A/N::: omg I'm actually so sad I only have like seven chapters left! Ack I'm going to cry! Like always I hoped that you liked this chapter and that it urges you to keep reading! Love you all! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Flights" by Jack and Jack

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