The Cloak of the Night

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Zay's POV
Lucas came rushing back into the dining room. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me. "Your mom said she'd never let me see you again if I told." "I'm so sorry." He apologized, "I didn't know." "Can we have dinner now?" I asked. He nodded and sat down. We all held hands and said grace before digging in. After dinner we played a few dorky games before heading to our hotel. We had two rooms with two kind beds in each. We could split it anyway we wanted. We decided that Riley and I would share a room and Lucas and Farkle would share a room. Which, if, you couldn't tell, was all my idea. Riley and I walked into our room and changed for bed. I changed in the bathroom and Riley changed in the bedroom. I re-entered the bedroom to see Riley in booty shorts and a tank top. And all that I could think was damn she's hot. "Is there something wrong?" She asked biting her lip. It was only then that I realized I had been staring at her. "Oh no you're fine," I told her, "perfect even." She smiled down at her feet. God she was beautiful.

Lucas's POV
"You ok?" Farkle asked me once we were alone in our room. "Yeah I guess." I responded, sitting on the foot of my bed. "Talk to me." He requested sincerely, sitting next to me and taking my hand in his. "It's just a lot, you know?" I confessed, "I mean my mom had told me that he had stayed so he could keep bull riding. Now I know he did it for love. If that is how my mom reacted to my brother dating a black girl, imagine how she'll react to us!" "It could be worse." Farkle stated. "How?" I asked. "I could be black." He suggested. We both laughed. I turned toward him and grabbed his cheek, bringing his lips onto mine. Suddenly all of my problemas seemed to drift away and the only thing on my mind was how wonderful his skin on mine was making me feel. I knew that there was nothing that could ruin this moment. I could deal with the shit that the world threw at me tomorrow but right now I needed it to stay exactly how it was, perfect.

Riley's POV
"Your sister seems really nice." I told him. He smiled. "She is." He told me. "It must've been good for you to see her again after all of these years." "Yeah," he said, "I've really missed her." "I saw a ring on her finger, are they--" "No," he cut me off, "the wedding and until June." "Are you going to the wedding?" He nodded, "if I can find a way down here for it." I laid down on my bed, exhausted from the long day I had. "So what are we doing tomorrow?" I asked him. "Well Lucas and I thought we could introduce you to some of our old friends from Texas." "Sounds fun." I commented. "I don't know about fun," he breathed, "but it should be pretty interesting." "We should probably head to bed.." I suggested. "Yeah we should," he agreed making me somewhat sad, "but a midnight swim sounds a lot more fun. Don't you think?" He added and we changed into our bathing suits.

Farkle's POV
Lucas hovered over me on the twin sized bed, our lips moving passionately together, all longing and stress fading away with every sweaty second. Both of us in only our boxers with a sole since of desire on our minds, feeling more and more satisfied every passing moment as moans and gasps filled the bland hotel room. The white, stained walls judging your every move, a week ago I would have been shaken by this judgement, but not today, because Lucas was mine and nothing and no one could take him from me. Not now, not ever. I've worked to hard to get to this blissful moment for it to be taken from me. I moved my hands to the waistline of his boxers and tugged slightly on them. Immediately he broke our kiss and looked at me. "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded intently. I finally had him and I knew that I wanted him to be my first. He smiled and restarted our kiss.

A/N::: gonna stop there cuz I can't write a sex scene to save my life plus this is a kids tv show sooooo...
Here are a few covers for Damsel In Distress!!!

Here are a few covers for Damsel In Distress!!!

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Two Questions:Question One(Not Too Urgent): Which cover do you like better?Question Two(URGENT): Since Charlie will be a super main character in this book would y'all be cool with me putting in his POV?Question Three(im a liar)(also super URGENT):...

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Two Questions:
Question One(Not Too Urgent): Which cover do you like better?
Question Two(URGENT): Since Charlie will be a super main character in this book would y'all be cool with me putting in his POV?
Question Three(im a liar)(also super URGENT): will y'all hate me if I put sexual abuse in my third book?
Please answer soon and I really hope that this book is as fun for you to read as it is for me to write! Hope you liked it! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"I Walk the Line" by Halsey

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