The Truth

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Zay's POV
I walked over to Farkle's after school as promised because I knew Lucas probably wouldn't be welcomed in that house with open arms. I got to the door to see a big burly white guy. I couldn't help but tense up under his stare. I was staring at my feet and could feel his eyes burning through my head. "Why are you here?" He growled. "Umm I'm here to see Farkle." I told him, "i have to give him his assignments." He nodded. "Name?" He asked. "Umm Zay er Isaiah Babineaux" "You may enter." He told me, stepping aside. I walked in and headed up to Farkle's room. "Lots of security down there isn't there?" I announced uneasily as I entered the room. "They just don't want Lucas in here Zay," he told me, "it has nothing to do with you." "Yeah I'm sorry about that man. I know he really liked you." I sat on his bed and added, "he wanted me to bring you this." Farkle opened it as I continued, "I promise I didn't read it. I mean I really wanted to but I didn't. Although, knowing Lucas it's probably some sappy letter about how much he loves you and how he'll wait lifetimes for you and all of that shit." Farkle still didn't respond so I got up to leave, "I'll leave you alone with your letter""Wait!" He exclaimed before I could leave. "What?" I asked surprised. "What did you think of me when we first met?" "Really Farkle? Don't make me do this." "Tell me." He demanded. "I didn't know you then." "Zay tell me." "Ok ok" I submitted, "when I first came to New York I saw you as just another white guy who was gonna rule the world and never help anyone with his power and I mean what's a great leader if he isn't a great person."

Farkle's POV
My head hung low. "Like my father?" I asked, he nodded slightly. I looked down. "I didn't know you then Farkle." "Do you still believe any of it?" I asked him. He didn't respond, "you do." I concluded. "I think it depends:" he told me, "if you keep living in your mansion bubble and living in fear of your parents then you will be. However, if you go out and experience life, hear people's stories, learn about their struggles, see that everyone has problems and most people have problems worse and more urgent than yours then you can truly be great." "How do I do that?" I asked him. "You know what, come with me. Live my life with me for a few days. I see people with tragic problems everyday. You should get a taste of it." "but you have to agree not to change your schedule at all. Keep it the way it always is." "Ok," he submitted, "but you can't tell anyone about my personal life. Not Riley, not maya, not Lucas, not Smackle. No one. You hear me?" I nodded.

Zay's POV
"Then let's go!" I commanded, "we're gonna be late for our hour long tutoring session with Riley!" He packed his things and we left. "You stay out here." I told him when we were outside Riley's fire escape. He nodded and I knocked on the window.

Riley's POV
"Hey angel." Zay said as I opened up the window. "Why hello Zay." I greeted as he climbed in. "So anything tripping you up today?" He asked, I nodded. "I can't decide which dress to wear tomorrow." I complained. He let out a small chuckle. "I think Maya is the one who can help you with that." He told me. "But i want your opinion first." I bargained. "Ok fine, but I have to leave at five." He warned. "I know your family wants you back." I complained he laughed and let his hand fall to my upper arm. I looked up at him and our eyes locked for a second. I immediately turned my head and began to show him my two choices. "Riley I have to say I think that both are very you," he told me, "I mean I think it just depends on what your feeling tomorrow: you wanna go bright and bubbly then go with yellow; you want to be mysterious then go with the purple one." "I know you were probably joking but that's really good advice." He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Glad I could help ma'am but now I gotta head home." "Bye Zay." I smiled. "By Riley" he said, climbing back out my window.

Farkle's POV
"To your place?" I asked when he came back out. "Not yet." He responded and began leading me down the fire escape.

Song-"Messenger" by Tessanne Chin

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