The Gym

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Zay's POV
"Dinner!" Mrs. Matthews yelled. "Oh would you look at the time!" I exclaimed, getting up and walking towards the door, "Welp I gots to go! It's been fun! Riley, thank you for inviting me, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews thank you for letting me be here; you have a lovely home. Auggie, thank you for playing with me; I haven't torn up the town like that in a long time. Riley sweetheart text me if you need any more help with the homework ok doll, thank you all so much" "Wait." Riley commanded, stopping the door, "can't you stay for dinner?" "Sorry hon but my parents will be worried if I don't get home soon." I lied, I didn't need Riley to know where I was going. "Ok then. I'll see you tomorrow!" she submitted and I left.

Riley's POV
I closed the door behind Zay and sat down at the dinner table. "Zay's a nice boy." My mother noted once I sat down. "Umm yeah" I agreed. We said grace and began eating. "Can Zay come over more often?" Auggie asked, "he's fun." I smiled to myself. Auggie really seemed to like Zay. That was good. We finished eating and I headed into my room. I looked at the homework and was able to do most of it. Zay tutoring me really helped. I decided to text him and thank him. I put my phone back in my pocket and flopped onto my bed. I couldn't sleep thinking about Zay. He deserved so much better than he got. After a little while Auggie cane into my room. "Why are you still up?" He asked. "Auggie it's only seven o'clock." "I know but you're usually on your phone. Not just lying in bed." He climbed onto my bed. "I'm just worried." I confessed. "About Zay?" He asked, I nodded.

Zay's POV
I was lifting weights when sam came in "yo dude we close in 30. I'd finish up soon." He told me. I nodded "thanks sam!" "You're welcome Zay." I life's for twenty more minutes which was about ten minutes longer than I probably should've. I quickly grabbed my stuff and decided to shower at the school. I got there showered and entered my classroom. "Hello class!" I greeted. "Hello." They responded in various accents. I taught the lesson and halfway through we took a snack break. All of the students took out their lunch and my stomach grumbled. I hadn't eaten more than an apple or two with endless protein shakes all week. It's not hard to refrain from eating when I'm at home but school was a different story. Soon enough the snack break ended and my stomach calmed enough for me to finish my lesson.

Lucas's POV
"Hey Juliet." I said as Farkle opened his window. He rolled his eyes "what do you want?" He asked, sitting on his bed. "You" i whispered in his ear as I stood between his legs. "My dad is here." He told me. "All the more reason." I suggested before sucking on his neck. "Oh that's nice" he whispered. "Oh really," I asked, "you think so?" He nodded. "F-fuck" he moaned softly as I started to palm him through his jeans. He grabbed my cheek and pressed his lips onto mine. God I loved the feeling of Farkle's lips on mine. It fills me with unexplainable joy and it gets better and better every time. I pushed him down onto his bed and returned to sucking his neck. Soon enough he flipped us over and started doing the same to me as his lips trailed down he slowly undid each button on my shirt before returning his lips to mine. "God you're hot." He panted in between kisses. "Thank you." I responded before flipping on top of him and adding, "but you're hotter."

Farkle's POV
I was so happy. For the first time in a while I was truly happy. Lucas made my life so much better the only con was that I couldn't tell anyone. Lucas had maya to confide in because he knows stuff about her that he can't even tell me, but I was alone. Well I guess not completely alone. I had Lucas and I guess that's not too bad

A/N::: If I don't update as much after chapter 10 I'm superrrr sorry. Idk what's aboutta go down, but hopefully I can keep my phone so I'm not totally bored out of my mind at school! Love you all! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Smash Into You" by Hey Violet

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