The Awkward Moment

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Riley's POV
"You ready?" Zay asked as we stood in front of the brightly lit indoor pool. I didn't respond, just handed him my towel and jumped in. He followed me with a howl. I leaned up against the pool watching Zay with a smile. He's been through so much. I don't know how someone can manage to put on a brave face after all of that. It's remarkable. "Whatchya looking at?" Zay asked, rising to a stand in the shallow water and walking toward me. "Oh sorry-- I just--" I flustered but was soon interrupted. "You just couldn't look away?" Zay asked with a smirk, making me giggle a little, "No I get it Riley," he continued, "I am quite hard to resist. I mean, if it were possible, I'm sure I'd fall for me too." I bursts out in laughter. "Tell me im wrong!" He challenged. His voice got raspier and more intense as he continued. "Tell me that when I whisper in your ear real low like this it doesn't make you want me." I felt a shiver go down my spine, "Exact-" he began but was cut of by my lips crashing onto his. He put his hand on the back of my head and deepened our kiss before trailing kisses down my neck. His hand went to my bikini strap and pulled it down my shoulder to kiss the area that it once covered. Just then I heard whistling. Zay must've heard it too because we both turned immediately to see a janitor putting towels into the racks. I immediately pulled my strap back up and Zay and I left the pool area.

Smackle's POV
I sat in my room doing my homework for the whole next week because I still had half an hour until my designated 6:30pm Sunday family dinner when my phone buzzed.
Charlie-I had a great time yesterday
Smackle- me too
I thought back to the day before when Charlie met up for dinner. We went to a nice little pizza place and talked. We talked about trivial things like music and tv. I told him that I didn't really watch tv and he started ranting about all the shows that I should watch and songs I should listen to. It was so cute how passionate he was about these things.

Maya's POV
I was laying in Josh's bed; his arm was around me and I was tracing all of the lines on his chest and stomach area. "That guy--the one who handed me the ID-- who was he?" I spoke. "Oh that's Jacob. He's my roommate." He answered I nodded. "Can I ask you something?" I pondered. "Yeah, of course. Anything." He assured me. "Is what we're doing wrong?" "Legally or morally?" He asked. "Morally." "Not if we both care about each other." He told me casually. I looked up at him with a sudden sense of worry. "Do you care about me? Honestly?" He looked down at me, almost alarmed, "Of course, Maya. Why would you think any different. I care about you more than I've cared about anyone ever before. You think I'd do this--Maya i could go to jail! You think I'd risk going to prison and being labeled as a sex offender for someone I didn't care about. I care about you maya, a lot. You're sweet and adorable and funny and smoking hot and your presence makes me smile. You're everything I could ask for in a girl." I smiled and pulled his lips onto mine.

Zay's POV
Riley and I went back to the hotel room and laid on our beds. "This has been a pretty good night." Riley commented. I let out a laugh. "I'm not kidding Zay!" She exclaimed, "I had a good time." And with that we went to bed.

Josh's POV
As maya and I got deeper and deeper into our kiss I couldn't be bothered by anything; not even my roommate entering. That is until he cleared his throat. "Um i can come back later if you need." He stated. "Oh no sorry." Maya apologized, "i should probably be getting home anyway. Just let me gather my things and I'll be on my way." "I'll walk you." I suggested. Maya and I got dressed and headed to her house. About half way there she stopped in her tracks. "That is so pretty!" She exclaimed, pointing at a dress in the window, "but I could never afford it. So long my pretty." She walked away from it seemingly sad. "Umm maya your shirts on inside out." I told her, looking at the tag size small. I dropped maya off two blocks away from her house so that her parents wouldn't see me and then headed back to my dorm. On the way back I bought a small of the dress Maya wanted as a happy early birthday present.

Smackle's POV
I was pulled out of my thoughts by my brother entering the room. "Why you so glued to your phone?" He asked, "you're not talking to any boys are you?" He joked. "With our mother?" I asked back. He chuckled. "Yeah she'd probably kill you." "Hoe do I escape her?" I sighed. "You can always just get pregnant and leave for college after being disowned from our family like Jess." He suggested. I punched him in the arm. "Don't joke about that! I miss her." "I know." He confessed, "I do too."

A/N::: Lol im pretty sure that the pic at the top is an edit so creds to them! And yes I know that at this point the Smackle family is half Asian and half hispanic but we're just gonna say that the mom is Hispanic and the dad is Asian. Ok? Also warning you that larkle could get a little rocky over the next few chapters... sorry but feeling all the feels means I gots to make you feel sad sometimes too! Also chapter 25(which is technically part 26 including the second Prologue) is gonna be superrr long so be ready. Hope you liked it! Love you all! Xoxo -Emma

Song-"One of Those Nights" by Shawn Mendes

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