The Call

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Lucas's POV
"Yello this is David Friar." My brother answered. "Hey David, it's Lucas." "Oh hey baby bro!" He greeted. "Hi." "You know, YOU left Texas too soon. There are a lot of cuties here that I am sure would catch your--" "I'm gay David." I cut him off. "Oh finally! You came out! It's about time." "What?" I asked him. "You think I couldn't tell. How'd mom react. Which street corner are you staying at?" "Actually we haven't told her yet" I confessed. "Smart move. So, you have a boyfriend yet??" "Well, kind of, but I can't really tell you about it." "I always knew that you would have some kind of secret relationship one day. So how are you." "Good. Im really good. New York gave me a new start. I'm much better than I used to be." "Glad to hear it bud. When will YOU be coming back to Texas?" "Soon." I told him. "Really? Because I really need to talk to you. Bring your boyfriend. Hell, bring all of your friends. I'll pay the air fair." "Really?" I asked him. "Of course. Anything to see my baby bro again." "Oh shit that's mom. I got to go but I'll call you later. See you in Texas." "See you in Texas." He said as I hung up the phone. "Who was that?" My mom asked. "Zay." I lied. She nodded and headed back to the kitchen. I looked at my clock: 12:00. Wow. If I was gonna be up by nine I needed to get to bed asap. I laid my head on my pillow and let my eyes flutter closed.

Farkle's POV
"Why hello son." My father's voice rang clearly as I entered the dark house. "Hi?" I responded, "I thought you were going on a business trip." "I am but I just wanted to know where you've been for the past three days." "Seeing the city." I told him. "What parts of the city?" He asked accusingly. "Not the gay ones dad don't worry." I said somewhat harshly. "That is no wat to talk to your father young man." He scolded. "I was with a friend. He was showing me how other people live." "Other people?" He asked. "Poor people dad! People who aren't accepted in our country and barely have enough to get by! Those people!" "Where were you sleeping?" "Zay's house." "Why? IS his house better than ours?" "His house is a shack dad! Not everything is about how much money something costs. It's also about the love shared with in. And I'm telling you: they've got a hell of a lot more of that than we ever will!" I screamed and ran up to my room.

Zay's POV
"Where'd your friend go?" My mom asked me. "He went home." "Oh really? I was starting to like him. I still don't understand why he didn't just go stay with your friend Farkle. He seems well refined and--" "mom he is my friend Farkle." I interrupted and her face sunk. "Oh my boy what happened with him?" "He learned that money doesn't make a home. Love does. They don't got a whole lot of love in their house mama." "Awe how sad. You know I love you. I love you very much." "I know mom." I assured her. She looked down at the picture in my hands. "I miss her to, but Kelsey stayed in Texas for a reason. You know they couldn't come here. Imagine how Rachel would react." "I know mama, it's just hard being so far from her." "I know baby." She told me, placing a kiss on my forehead and putting the picture back in it's place.

Farkle's POV
"Farkle," my father said calmly at my door, "I'm sorry." He walked away with his normal travel suitcase and added, "I'll lift the Lucas ban." He then left to catch his plane.

A/N::: I know I'm so bad at chapter length, but like that ending! Larkle scenes coming soon! Love you all! Xoxo -Emma


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